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newsworthy ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

newsworthy anlamı
1) haber değeri olan
2) güncel
3) aktüel
4) haber olabilir

"newsworthy" için örnek kullanımlar

During the chat with Anderson, Musk revealed a couple of newsworthy bits.
Anderson ile sohbet sırasında, Misk haber değeri bit bir çift saptandı.
Kaynak: austinist.com
Now, maybe if Steve Jobs had defected, that would be really newsworthy.
Steve Jobs arızalı olsaydı Şimdi, belki bu gerçekten haber değeri olurdu.
Kaynak: zdnet.com
What do you guys do, troll Youtube to find "newsworthy" videos to write about?
Ne siz, trol Youtube hakkında yazmak için "haber değeri" videoları bulmak için yaparsınız?
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
What is newsworthy is their possible move to the Eastern Conference.
Ne haber değeri Doğu Konferansı onların olası bir hareket olduğunu.
Kaynak: clnsradio.com
In some countries and at some points in history, what news media and the public have considered "newsworthy" has met different definitions
Kaynak: News
In 1962, Blackpool North held a by-election that was newsworthy. The by-election for the British House of Commons constituency of
Kaynak: Blackpool North by-election, 1962
Talon News is an American website which became newsworthy in January 2005 because alleged irregularities in the background of its chief
Kaynak: Talon News
This is a list of influential and newsworthy people affiliated with Emory University , a private university in DeKalb County , Georgia ,
Kaynak: List of Emory University people
An event is usually considered more newsworthy if there is something unusual about it; a commonplace event is less likely to be seen as
Kaynak: Man bites dog (journalism)
these books are newsworthy and want to publish books "that mainstream houses shun in favour of ghosted showbiz autobiographies and TV spin-offs
Kaynak: Reportage Press
Its humor often depends on presenting mundane, everyday events as newsworthy ("Opening Staff Rails Against Incompetence Of Closing Staff
Kaynak: The Onion
is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy.
Kaynak: Press release
fairness and public accountability — as these apply to the acquisition of newsworthy information and its subsequent dissemination to the public
Kaynak: Journalism ethics and standards
events that don't influence overall society and biased presentations of newsworthy topics in a sensationalist, trivial or tabloid manner.
Kaynak: Sensationalism
excludes personal matters or activities which may reasonably be of public interest, like those of celebrities or participants in newsworthy events.
Kaynak: Privacy laws of the United States
and breeding news and information, and anything newsworthy and important to the racing and breeding industry ESPN has called The Blood-
Kaynak: The Blood-Horse
The site is decorated in a pink theme and features anything newsworthy of interest to LGBT readers, including updates on previous stories,
Kaynak: Pink News
In the summer of 2005, this speculation became newsworthy due to the announcement of the retirement of Associate Justice Sandra Day
Kaynak: George W. Bush Supreme Court candidates
His subject matter has included rock legends, royalty, newsworthy politicos and entertainers from all over the globe and has earned
Kaynak: Philip Burke
actor and film director Henry Edwards , and in the 1920s the two were regarded as one of Britain's most famous and newsworthy celebrity couples.
Kaynak: Chrissie White

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