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occipital ne demek?

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occipital anlamı
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"occipital" için örnek kullanımlar

In 2010 Pilarski discovered she had a benign brain tumor in her right occipital lobe.
2010 yılında Pilarski onun sağ oksipital lobda huylu bir beyin tümörü olduğunu keşfetti.
Kaynak: post-gazette.com
I showed how one can apply some traction to the neck by putting one's fingers below the occipital ridge and sometimes also gently shaking.
Ben bir oksipital sırtın altındaki kişinin parmak koyarak ve bazen de hafifçe sallayarak boyun bazı çekiş uygulayabilirsiniz nasıl gösterdi.
Kaynak: futurehealth.org
It nicked his occipital protuberance, the tiny bone pointing out from the back of the cranium, and left a crack in the back of his helmet.
Onun oksipital tümsek, kafatasının arka işaret küçük kemik nicked, ve kask arkasında bir çatlak bıraktı.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
The intervention in the intensive care nursery improved executive function as well as spectral coherence between occipital and frontal as well as parietal regions.
Yoğun bakım kreş müdahale yürütücü işlev yanı sıra oksipital ve frontal yanı sıra paryetal bölgeler arasında spektral tutarlılığı artırıldı.
Kaynak: biomedcentral.com
The word occipital, in zoology, pertains to the occiput (rear of the skull. Occipital is a descriptor for several areas of animal & human
Kaynak: Occipital
The occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the mammal ian brain containing most of the anatomical region of the visual
Kaynak: Occipital lobe
The occipital bone, a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the cranium , is trapezoidal in shape and curved
Kaynak: Occipital bone
The occipital artery arises from the external carotid artery opposite the facial artery , its path is below the posterior belly of
Kaynak: Occipital artery
The occipital vein begins as a plexus at the posterior aspect of the scalp from the external occipital protuberance and superior nuchal
Kaynak: Occipital vein
The occipital sinus is the smallest of the cranial sinuses . It is situated in the attached margin of the falx cerebelli , and is
Kaynak: Occipital sinus
The occipital lymph nodes, one to three in number, are located on the back of the head close to the margin of the Trapezius and resting
Kaynak: Occipital lymph nodes
In reptile s, occipital scales are enlarged plates that lie directly behind the parietal scales a scale located between the occipital scales
Kaynak: Occipital scales
The word occipital pertains to the occiput. Clinical significance: Trauma to the occiput can cause a basilar skull fracture . Prominent occiput
Kaynak: Occiput
The occipital condyles are undersurface facet s of the occipital bone in vertebrate s, which function in articulation with the superior
Kaynak: Occipital condyle
The lesser occipital nerve or small occipital nerve is a cutaneous spinal nerve arising between the second and third cervical vertebrae
Kaynak: Lesser occipital nerve
Occipital bun is a prominent bulge, or projection, of the occipital bone at the back of the skull . Occipital buns are important in
Kaynak: Occipital bun
Near the middle of the occipital squama is the external occipital protuberance, and extending lateralward from it on either side is the
Kaynak: External occipital protuberance
The atlanto-occipital joint (articulation between the atlas and the occipital bone ) consists of a pair of condyloid joints.
Kaynak: Atlanto-occipital joint
The greater occipital nerve is a spinal nerve , specifically the medial branch of the dorsal primary ramus of cervical spinal nerve 2.
Kaynak: Greater occipital nerve
Only a small part of the Parietooccipital Fissure ( parieto-occipital sulcus or Parietoöccipital fissure) is seen on the lateral surface
Kaynak: Parieto-occipital sulcus
In the occipital bone , the lower division of the cruciate eminence is prominent, and is named the internal occipital crest; it
Kaynak: Internal occipital crest

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