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occupant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

occupant anlamı
1) oturan
2) kullanıcı
3) oturan kimse
4) işgal eden kimse

"occupant" için örnek kullanımlar

This can result in the top of the occupant compartment being destroyed.
Bu tahrip ediliyor yolcu bölmesinin üst neden olabilir.
Kaynak: autonews.com
The occasional junk mail addressed to the previous occupant he doesn't mind.
Zaman zaman önemsiz posta o akla gelmez önceki oturan hitaben.
Kaynak: articles.chicagotribune.com
All 13 episodes of current occupant "1600 Penn" will have aired by the end of March.
Geçerli işgalci "1600 Penn" tüm 13 bölüm Mart ayı sonuna kadar yayınlanan olacaktır.
Kaynak: examiner.com
One that has been gutted and rebuilt after the previous occupant gave it a bad name.
Önceki işgalci kötü bir isim verdikten sonra gutted ve yeniden inşa edildi biri.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
A single-occupant vehicle (SOV) is a privately operated vehicle whose only occupant is the driver. The drivers of SOVs use their vehicles
Kaynak: Single-occupant vehicle
An owner-occupier (also known as an owner-occupant or home owner) is a person who lives in and owns the same home . It is a type of
Kaynak: Owner-occupier
It is an occupant restraint system consisting of a flexible fabric envelope or cushion designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile
Kaynak: Airbag
A seat belt, also known as a safety belt, is a vehicle safety device designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement
Kaynak: Seat belt
A wheelchair lift, also known as a platform lift, is a powered device designed to raise a wheelchair and its occupant in order to overcome
Kaynak: Wheelchair lift

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