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offspring ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

offspring anlamı
1) yavrular
2) döl
3) çoluk çocuk
4) ürün

"offspring" için örnek kullanımlar

Now there are about 120, many of them the offspring of the originals.
Şimdi orijinallerin 120, birçoğu çocukları hakkında vardır.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
It was no surprise, considering he's the offspring of rock royalty.
O kaya kraliyet soyundan olduğunu düşünüyor, hiçbir sürpriz oldu.
Kaynak: timescolonist.com
Creevy directs like the offspring of Michael Mann and John Woo.
Creevy Michael Mann ve John Woo yavruları gibi yönlendirir.
Kaynak: thesun.co.uk
This child is an offspring of that trashy Kardashian family.
Bu çocuk o değersiz Kardashian ailesinin bir yavrusudur.
Kaynak: gossipcop.com
In biology , offspring is the product of reproduction , of a new organism produced by one or more parent s. Collective offspring may be
Kaynak: Offspring
Reproduction (or procreation) is the biological process by which new "offspring" individual organism s are produced from their "parents".
Kaynak: Reproduction
meaning "offspring") are the sons of the Argive heroes who had fought and been killed in the first Theban war, the subject of the Thebaid
Kaynak: Epigoni
Parent–offspring conflict (POC) is a term coined in 1974 by Robert Trivers . (PI) to an offspring from the standpoint of the parent and
Kaynak: Parent–offspring conflict

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