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ongoing ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

ongoing anlamı
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"ongoing" için örnek kullanımlar

Investigations by Japanese and U.S. transport regulators are still ongoing.
Japon ve ABD ulaşım düzenleyiciler tarafından yapılan incelemeler devam etmektedir.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
When he'll be slotted in at first base is an ongoing matter of mystery.
O ilk üssünde oluklu olacak zaman gizemli bir devam eden bir konudur.
Kaynak: losangeles.angels.mlb.com
But there may be some delays as construction on access points is still ongoing.
Erişim noktaları üzerinde yapımı devam eden Ancak bazı gecikmeler olabilir.
Kaynak: cayman27.com.ky
Plaintiffs are demanding even more during the firm's ongoing trial.
Davacılar firmanın devam eden duruşma sırasında daha talep ediyorlar.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
In comics , the term "ongoing series" is used in contrast to limited series (a series intended to end after a certain number of issues), a
Kaynak: Ongoing series
The following is a list of ongoing military conflicts that are taking place around the world and which continue to result in violent deaths
Kaynak: List of ongoing military conflicts
The 2010–2012 Southern United States drought is a severe to extreme ongoing drought plaguing the US South , including parts of Texas ,
Kaynak: 2010–12 Southern United States drought
The smartphone wars or smartphone patents licensing and litigation is an ongoing business battle by smartphone manufacturers including
Kaynak: Smartphone wars
The ongoing reliability test (ORT) is a hardware test process usually used in manufacturing to ensure that quality of the products is still
Kaynak: Ongoing reliability test

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