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orphanage ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

orphanage anlamı
1) yetimhane
2) yetimler yurdu
3) kimsesizlik
4) öksüzlük

"orphanage" için örnek kullanımlar

His brother Edward was adopted and Walter was left in a London orphanage.
Kardeşi Edward kabul edildi ve Walter bir Londra yetimhaneye bırakıldı.
Kaynak: dailyrecord.co.uk
The building has been a hospital, a retirement home, and orphanage.
Bina bir hastane, bir emeklilik ev ve yetimhane olmuştur.
Kaynak: fox4kc.com
A decade ago, my husband Rick and I brought our baby home from a Siberian orphanage.
On yıl önce, kocam Rick ve ben bir Sibirya yetimhaneden bizim bebek eve getirdi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
And he is such a kind man, who even has an orphanage in Italy!
Ve hatta İtalya'da bir yetimhane var, kim böyle bir tür adam!
Kaynak: nst.com.my
An orphanage is a residential institution devoted to the care of orphan s – children whose natural parents are deceased or otherwise
Kaynak: Orphanage
Schneller Orphanage, also called the Syrian Orphanage, was a German Protestant orphanage that operated in Jerusalem from 1860 to 1940.
Kaynak: Schneller Orphanage
The Mount Cashel Orphanage is a former Canadian orphanage that was operated by the Congregation of Christian Brothers . It was located
Kaynak: Mount Cashel Orphanage
The Diskin Orphanage was an orphanage in the Old City of Jerusalem , established in 1881 by Yehoshua Leib Diskin . From the Jewish
Kaynak: Diskin Orphanage
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is an orphanage , nursery and captive breeding ground for wild Asian elephant s located at Pinnawala
Kaynak: Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
The Bellefaire Orphanage was a Jewish orphanage in Cleveland Ohio founded in 1868 as an orphanage for children who lost their parents in
Kaynak: Bellefaire Orphanage
Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage is an orphanage and sanctuary for chimpanzee s, located in Zambia 's Copperbelt Province . The sanctuary
Kaynak: Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage

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