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orpiment ne demek?

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"orpiment" için örnek kullanımlar

occurring in monoclinic crystals, or in granular, compact, or powdery form, often in association with the related mineral, orpiment (As 2 S 3).
Kaynak: Realgar
This bright yellow solid is a well known mineral orpiment (Latin: auripigment), has been used as a pigment, and has played a role in the
Kaynak: Arsenic trisulfide
Arsenic trisulfide , As 2 S 3, the mineral orpiment. Tetraarsenic tetrasulfide, As 4 S 4, the mineral realgar Tetraarsenic trisulfide, As 4 S
Kaynak: Arsenic sulfide
He described the 'fiery poison' as being formed when a certain mineral (most probably realgar or orpiment ) was fused with natron
Kaynak: Agathodaimon
Commonly found as small octahedra it is white, but impurities of realgar or orpiment may give it a pink or yellow hue. orpiment (As 2
Kaynak: Arsenolite
Pigments were also made in ancient times from a mineral known as orpiment . Orpiment was an important item of trade in the Roman Empire
Kaynak: Orange (colour)
Associated minerals include stibnite , realgar , orpiment , cinnabar , vrbaite , greigite , marcasite , pyrite , tetrahedrite , antimonian
Kaynak: Lorandite
With 46% arsenic content, arsenopyrite, along with orpiment , is a principal ore of arsenic. When deposits of arsenopyrite become
Kaynak: Arsenopyrite
spirits of wine), quicksilver , sal ammoniac , alum , litharge , orpiment , saltpetre , silver , sugar , sulphur , tin , verdigris ,
Kaynak: John Damian
It can be associated with arsenolite (the cubic form of As 2 O 3) as well as realgar (As 4 S 4), orpiment (As 2 S 3) and native sulfur
Kaynak: Claudetite
It is generally more rare than realgar and orpiment . Its origin is hydrothermal . It occurs as subhedral to euhedral tabular orange to
Kaynak: Alacránite
poisonous arsenic compounds (realgar and orpiment ), which contributed to its replacement by safer flares in the early twentieth century.
Kaynak: Blue light (pyrotechnic signal)
The Egyptians used yellow extensively in tomb paintings; they usually used either yellow ochre or the brilliant orpiment , though it was
Kaynak: Yellow

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