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parasite ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

parasite anlamı
1) parazit
2) asalak
3) beleşçi
4) parazit ses

"parasite" için örnek kullanımlar

Like a parasite they kill the host and destroy themselves in the bargain.
Bir parazit gibi onlar ana öldürmek ve pazarlık kendilerini yok.
Kaynak: frontpagemag.com
They examined genomes of four species of tapeworm to understand the parasite.
Onlar parazit anlamak tenya dört türlerin genomları incelenmiştir.
Kaynak: natureworldnews.com
"It's not a contract of partners, it's a contract a parasite offers to a host."
"Bu ortak bir sözleşme değil, bir parazit bir dizi sunuyor bir sözleşme var."
Kaynak: news.msn.com
Parasitism is a non-mutual relationship between organism s of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense
Kaynak: Parasitism
A parasite aircraft is a component of a composite aircraft which is carried aloft and air launch ed by a carrier aircraft or mother ship
Kaynak: Parasite aircraft
Acarapis woodi (honey bee tracheal mite) is a mite that is an internal parasite of honey bee s originally described from the Isle of
Kaynak: Acarapis woodi

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