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parasitology ne demek?

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parasitology anlamı

"parasitology" için örnek kullanımlar

Michael Barrett is a professor of biochemical parasitology at the University of Glasgow.
Michael Barrett Glasgow Üniversitesi'nde biyokimyasal Parazitoloji profesörüdür.
Kaynak: newstatesman.com
We've been performing new and important research, such as our recent study on parasitology of cheetahs.
Biz böyle çitalar Parazitoloji bizim son çalışma olarak, yeni ve önemli bir araştırma yapan oldum.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Parasitology is the study of parasite s, their host s, and the relationship between them. the scope of parasitology is not determined by
Kaynak: Parasitology
Veterinary parasitology is the study of animal parasite s, especially relationships between parasites and animal hosts. Parasites of
Kaynak: Veterinary parasitology
Veterinary Parasitology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the discipline of veterinary parasitology . Veterinary Parasitology
Kaynak: Veterinary Parasitology (journal)
Available softwares : Contribution to quantitative parasitology. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 13, 152-158 (a population
Kaynak: Quantitative parasitology
In parasitology , the gubernaculum is a sclerotized structure in the nematodal cloaca wall that is instrumental in guiding the protrusion
Kaynak: Gubernaculum (parasitology)
Structural parasitology is the study of the structures of proteins for interesting parasites . It applies the techniques of structural
Kaynak: Structural parasitology
author Cox F | title History of human parasitology | pmc 126866 | journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews | volume 15 | issue 4 | pages 595–
Kaynak: Malaria
In parasitology , coinfection. (ˌ | k | oʊ | ɪ | n | ˈ | f | ɛ | k | ʃ | ən is the simultaneous infection of a host by multiple pathogen
Kaynak: Coinfection
Professor Marshall Lightowlers began his career in the field of parasitology during a post-doctoral appointment at the Institute of
Kaynak: Marshall Lightowlers
In parasitology , the term paratenic describes a host which is not needed for the development of the parasite , but nonetheless serves to
Kaynak: Paratenic
Parasite is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering all aspects of human and animal parasitology . The journal
Kaynak: Parasite (journal)
In parasitology , anthropophilia, from the Greek ἅνθρωπος (anthrōpos, "human being") and φιλία (philia, "friendship" or "love"), means a
Kaynak: Anthropophilia

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