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passiveness ne demek?

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passiveness anlamı
1) pasiflik
2) dirençsizlik

"passiveness" için örnek kullanımlar

I'm sure Turtle is a good kid, but there is something about his passiveness that bothers me.
Ben Turtle iyi bir çocuk olduğuna eminim, ama beni rahatsız ediyor onun pasiflik ile ilgili bir şey var.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
How can we explain Esther's abrupt change in behavior from deep despair to determined action and from passiveness to leadership?
Nasıl derin bir umutsuzluk belirlenen eylem ve pasiflik gelen liderlik davranış Esther ani bir değişimi açıklayabilir?
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Given the passiveness of his teammates most of the time, Garnett was forced into taking more shots than he probably was comfortable with taking.
Takım arkadaşlarının çoğu zaman pasiflik önüne alındığında, Garnett muhtemelen alarak rahat daha çekim zorlandı.
Kaynak: nesn.com
However, they've yet to really set it up, and the Bruins almost added another one as a result of some passiveness in the neutral zone by the Panthers.
Bununla birlikte, yine de çok daha kurmak ettik ve Bruins hemen hemen Panterler ile nötr bölge içinde yaklaşık pasiflik bir sonucu olarak başka bir eklendi.
Kaynak: nesn.com
The term is most generally a kind of "permission " given by silence or passiveness. Overview: The common law doctrine of estoppel by
Kaynak: Acquiescence
prevent the escalation of the conflict Baghirov was bashed for his passiveness in allowing the NKAO's party leader, Boris Kevorkov to be
Kaynak: Kamran Baghirov
One reviewer stated "There's an overall mood of passiveness to Silverwater that stands in direct contrast to the more aggressive Chemist.
Kaynak: Silverwater (album)
Adam wrote strips for Girl, in which she attempted to counteract the passiveness of many girls' heroines by introducing young female
Kaynak: Ruth Adam
Bahala Na: This attitude, loosely translated into English as 'fatalistic passiveness', actually describes the Filipino way of life, in
Kaynak: Filipino psychology
Meanwhile, Antoine and Annabelle had been dating for over a year, but had broken up due to Antoine's passiveness towards his mother.
Kaynak: Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
She was criticised by the Legislative Council for her passiveness for believing in misleading information shared by the mainland authority
Kaynak: Margaret Chan
Unawareness, ignorance and the resulting passiveness, together with a lack of resistance, led throughout the history to the expansion of
Kaynak: Rafał Jakubowicz
Mauberley in his passiveness is distinct from Pound, who however pursued for a while similar ideals of artistic perfection, and was
Kaynak: Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
This passiveness makes it a perfect tankmate for delicate species like sea horse s or pipefish . In fact, it is in reality quite shy, and
Kaynak: Black-ray goby
For example, the intense classical garden was balanced by the passiveness of the large lake and landscape. Awards: An honorary Doctoral
Kaynak: Don Vaughan
Yin energy is associated with passiveness, femininity and yielding therefore, the spirit world whilst on the other hand, Yang is
Kaynak: Time Before Time
In 2012 enter in Zingarelli dictionary also velinismo (to become famous for his passiveness and inconclusiveness). The veline !
Kaynak: Striscia la notizia
contain numerous errors and Konglish This can create a feeling of passiveness towards learning structurally and technically correct English.
Kaynak: Konglish
Because of her passiveness, admittedly hating confrontation, Hogan has had numerous issues being direct and up-front with people,
Kaynak: Brooke Knows Best
The Prinzregentenzeit ("prince's regent's time"), as the regency of Luitpold is often called, was due to the political passiveness of
Kaynak: Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria
owes himself to Fortuna and loses her because of his passiveness By having the characters overstep each other to better themselves,
Kaynak: Machiavelli as a dramatist

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