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passport ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

passport anlamı
1) pasaport
2) giriş izni

"passport" için örnek kullanımlar

A document proving income and a passport gets you most of the way through.
Bir belge kanıtlayan gelir ve pasaport en yolu ile alır.
Kaynak: dailyreckoning.com
Wonder if he will think of getting an Australian passport and switch sides?
O Avustralya pasaportu ve anahtar tarafı alma düşünecek acaba?
Kaynak: firstpost.com
When participants finish, their passport is entered in a drawing.
Katılımcıların bitirdiğinizde, pasaport çizim girilir.
Kaynak: crbizjournal.com
The passport of a woman director, Vandana Bhargava, is also sought to be impounded.
Bir kadın yönetmen, Vandana Bhargava, bir pasaport da el konulur isteniyor.
Kaynak: firstpost.com
A passport is a document, issued by a national government , which certifies the identity and nationality of its holder for the purpose of
Kaynak: Passport
United States passports are passport s issued to citizens and non-citizen nationals of the United States of America They are issued
Kaynak: United States passport
British passport s may be issued to people holding any of the various forms of British nationality , and are used as evidence of the
Kaynak: British passport
The European Union does not issue passport s, but ordinary passports issued by its 27 member states share a common design Common features
Kaynak: Passports of the European Union
The Canadian passport is the passport issued to citizens of Canada . It enables the bearer to exit and re-enter Canada; travel to and
Kaynak: Canadian passport
The Taiwan passport. (c 臺灣護照 | p Táiwān hùzhào | poj Tâi-oân hō͘-chiàu see below), officially the Republic of China passport
Kaynak: Taiwan passport
An internal passport is an identity document used by a country to control and monitor the internal movement and residence of its people.
Kaynak: Internal passport
German passports are issued to nationals of Germany for the purpose of international travel. A German passport is, besides the German ID
Kaynak: German passport
A Philippine passport is a travel document and is a Primary National ID issued to citizens of the Philippines . It is issued by the
Kaynak: Philippine passport
The Indian passport is the passport issued to citizens of India . It enables the bearer to travel internationally and serves as proof of
Kaynak: Indian passport
The Bangladesh passport is issued to citizens of Bangladesh for international travel. The passport may be issued by the Government of The
Kaynak: Bangladeshi passport
The passport system of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was an organizational framework of the single national civil registration
Kaynak: Passport system in the Soviet Union
Republic of Korea passports are issued to citizens of South Korea to facilitate international travel. Like any other passport s, they
Kaynak: Republic of Korea passport
A Belarusian passport is issued to citizens of Belarus and is used for both travelling abroad and internal use. "internal passport s" in Belarus.
Kaynak: Belarusian passport

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