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patrician ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

patrician anlamı
1) aristokrat
2) soylu

"patrician" için örnek kullanımlar

Lord Grantham may be a patrician, but he is all honour and decency.
Rab Grantham Soylu olabilir, ama tüm onur ve terbiye.
Kaynak: ottawacitizen.com
Cracks in the veneer of the patrician Earl of Grantham are beginning to surface.
Grantham aristokrat Earl kaplama çatlaklar yüzeye çıkmaya başlıyor.
Kaynak: mdjonline.com
The patrician influence of the Barber family is everywhere.
Kuaför ailesinin aristokrat etkisi her yerde.
Kaynak: rte.ie
Hat off, there's a patrician bearing that looks straight out of a Ralph Lauren advertisement.
Şapka kapalı, Ralph Lauren reklam düz görünüyor Soylu yatak var.
Kaynak: naplesnews.com
The term patrician. (patricius, πατρίκιος. patrikios) originally referred to a group of elite families in ancient Rome , including both their
Kaynak: Patrician (ancient Rome)
cities such as Ancient Rome had a class of patrician families whose members were the only people allowed to exercise many political functions.
Kaynak: Patrician (post-Roman Europe)

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