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peasant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

peasant anlamı
1) köylü
2) cahil tip
1) köylü
2) köy

"peasant" için örnek kullanımlar

It was not the artist in her that compelled her to do it, it was the peasant.
Onu bunu mecbur ona sanatçı değil, köylü idi.
Kaynak: goerie.com
Jack also meets Isabelle, disguised as a peasant so she can mingle with the common folk.
O ortak halk ile karıştırmak böylece Jack de bir köylü kılığına Isabelle, karşılar.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
Nicholas Hoult plays the title character, a peasant boy wishing to fight in the king's army.
Nicholas Hoult başlık karakter, kralın ordusunda savaşmak isteyen bir köylü çocuğu oynar.
Kaynak: chargerbulletin.com
A peasant is a member of a traditional class of farmer s, either laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under
Kaynak: Peasant
The Romanian peasant music is the music of the Romania n peasants. The Romanian peasant music has largely disappeared, but it can still be
Kaynak: Romanian peasant music
They were the third of the Three Estates of the Realm in medieval Europe , consisting of peasant s and artisan s. Social mobility for
Kaynak: Commoner
Fellah (فلاح, fallāḥ) (plural Fellaheen or Fellahin, ar | فلاحين, fallāḥīn) is a peasant , farmer or agricultural laborer in the Middle
Kaynak: Fellah
The Croatian-Slovene peasant revolt of 1573 was a large peasant revolt in the territory that nowadays belongs to Croatia and Slovenia .
Kaynak: Croatian–Slovene peasant revolt
The Slovene peasant revolt (Windischer Bauernbund) took place in 1515 and was the largest peasant revolt in the Slovene Lands .
Kaynak: Slovene peasant revolt

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