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peasantry ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

peasantry anlamı
1) köylüler

"peasantry" için örnek kullanımlar

There was empathy and sympathy with the peasantry and the Muslims.
Empati ve köylülük ve Müslümanlara sempati vardı.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Him and I played in a band together called the Peasantry.
O ve ben birlikte bir grupta çaldı Köylülük denir.
Kaynak: blogs.westword.com
It's a meat that speaks of wartime and peasantry, and most of the young people I asked said they had only ever knowingly eaten it once or twice.
Savaşta ve köylülüğün konuşan bir et, ve ben sordum genç insanların çoğu sadece hiç bilerek bir veya iki kez yemiş söyledi.
Kaynak: beyond.blogs.france24.com
"I was living very humbly and discreetly. I suppose it's my peasantry, but I don't need much. I could always farm my own vegetables in little canisters".
"Ben çok mütevazi bir şekilde yaşayıp ve ihtiyatlı oldu. Sanırım benim köylülük olduğunu varsayalım, ama çok gerek yok. Hep küçük bidonlarda kendi sebze çiftlik olabilir".
Kaynak: goerie.com
southern borderland (a heavy burden for the state), which slowed its social and economic development and expanded the taxation of peasantry.
Kaynak: Serfdom in Russia
was an uprising of the Bulgarian peasantry against the Emperor Constantine Tikh and the Bulgarian nobility. The revolt was fuelled by
Kaynak: Uprising of Ivaylo
The term cateran (from the Gaelic ceathairne, a collective word meaning "peasantry") historically referred to a band of fighting men of a
Kaynak: Cateran
The stock-and-horn was a traditional instrument of the Scottish peasantry, very similar to the Welsh pibgorn , consisting of a single-reed
Kaynak: Stock-and-horn
Lesko uprising (Powstanie leskie) in summer 1932 was an uprising of peasantry in Bieszczady Mountains against the local authorities of the
Kaynak: Lesko uprising
The word kulak originally referred to independent farmers in the Russian Empire who emerged from the peasantry and became wealthy
Kaynak: Kulak
The kombeds quickly fell into disrepute among the bulk of the peasantry over the abuses of their members, who were often outsiders to the
Kaynak: Committees of Poor Peasants
which the situation of Estonian peasantry declined rapidly (to gain support of German nobility, Russia gave them more power over peasantry).
Kaynak: Duchy of Estonia (1561–1721)
In Sandinismo there is an emphasis that revolution begins in rural regions among Nicaragua's oppressed peasantry, Sandinista ideas are
Kaynak: Sandinismo
policies as causes of the famine and the degree to which the destruction of the Ukrainian peasantry was premeditated on the part of Joseph Stalin .
Kaynak: Holodomor
village, as studied by Hyden, their economies have not yet been 'captured' by the capitalism and their peasantry remains unproletarianised.
Kaynak: Economy of affection

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