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Polish ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

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Polish anlamı
1) Polonya
1) Polonyalı
2) Polonya dili

"Polish" için örnek kullanımlar

Joe Fresh also sells lip gloss, bronzers, blush, nail polish and eye shadow.
Joe Taze da dudak parlatıcısı, bronzlaştırıcılar, allık, oje ve göz farı satıyor.
Kaynak: business.financialpost.com
Baker paid tribute to his son Bjorn who had put the polish on It's A Dundeel.
Baker It A Dundeel bulunuyor üzerindeki cila koymuştu oğlu Bjorn haraç ödedi.
Kaynak: abc.net.au
To underline this point, on the other side of the tub is a sticker of the Polish hero.
Küvetin diğer tarafında, bu noktada altını çizmek için Polonyalı kahraman bir etiket olduğunu.
Kaynak: independent.ie
The office had all the polish and orderliness of a very bad yard sale late in the afternoon.
Ofis afternoon çok kötü bir bahçe satışı bütün lehçe ve düzenlilik vardı.
Kaynak: newyorker.com
Polish. (icon | ˈ | p | əʊ | l | ɪ | ʃ may refer to: Anything from or related to Poland , a country in Europe. Polish language Poles , people
Kaynak: Polish
The establishment of a Polish state is often identified with the adoption of Christianity by its ruler Mieszko I in 966, over the
Kaynak: Poland
Polish (język polski, polszczyzna) is a language of the Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic languages used throughout Poland (being that
Kaynak: Polish language
Polish Americans. (Amerykanin polskiego pochodzenia (male), or Amerykanka polskiego pochodzenia (female. are of total or partial Polish descent .
Kaynak: Polish American
The Polish people, or Poles (Polacy p | o | ' | l | a | c | y; singular masculine: Polak, feminine: Polka), are a nation and an ethnic
Kaynak: Poles
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (or Union, after 1791 the Commonwealth of Poland) was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled
Kaynak: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Second Polish Republic, Second Commonwealth of Poland or "interwar Poland" refers to the country of Poland between the First and
Kaynak: Second Polish Republic
The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign or 1939 Defensive War (Polish : Kampania wrześniowa or Wojna obronna 1939 roku
Kaynak: Invasion of Poland
programmes at Polish high schools and universities, the work of synagogues such as the Nozyk , and the Museum of the History of Polish Jews .
Kaynak: History of the Jews in Poland
The People's Republic of Poland (Polish : Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa, PRL) was the official name of Poland from 1952 to 1989.
Kaynak: People's Republic of Poland
Polish literature is the literary tradition of Poland . Most Polish literature has been written in the Polish language , though other
Kaynak: Polish literature
The Polish Air Force (Polish: Siły Powietrzne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – literally: Air Forces of the Republic of Poland) is a military
Kaynak: Polish Air Force
The Armia Krajowa (ˈarmja kraˈjɔva, abbreviated AK), or Home Army, was the dominant Polish resistance movement in World War II German -
Kaynak: Armia Krajowa
The Polish minority in the Czech Republic. (Polska mniejszość narodowa w Republice Czeskiej, Polská národnostní menšina v České republice
Kaynak: Polish minority in the Czech Republic
The Partitions of Poland or Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth were a series of three partitions which took place in the
Kaynak: Partitions of Poland
Polish Armed Forces in the West refers to the Polish military formations formed to fight alongside the Western Allies against Nazi
Kaynak: Polish Armed Forces in the West
Poland's recorded military history stretches back for hundreds of years – since the 10th century (see List of Polish wars and History of
Kaynak: Polish Land Forces
This is a partial list of notable Polish or Polish-speaking or -writing persons. Persons of mixed heritage have their respective
Kaynak: List of Polish people

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