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possible ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

possible anlamı
1) mümkün
2) olası
3) olanaklı
4) makul
5) akla uygun
1) rekor

"possible" için örnek kullanımlar

Such progress was made possible by the new governance structure.
Bu ilerleme, yeni yönetim yapısı ile mümkün olmuştur.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
Hydraulic fracturing has made it possible to tap into deep reserves of oil and gas.
Hidrolik çatlatma petrol ve gaz rezervlerinin büyüklüğü girmeleri mümkün kıldı.
Kaynak: sfgate.com
He also informed the media that there have been 'lots of calls' about possible moves.
Ayrıca olası hamleleri 'çağrıları sürü' olmuştur ki medya bilgilendirdi.
Kaynak: tsn.ca
It also is possible Crawford might choose to leave the program as a graduate transfer.
Ayrıca Crawford mezunu transferi gibi programından ayrılmak seçebilirsiniz mümkündür.
Kaynak: aol.sportingnews.com
Possibility is the condition or fact of being possible. The Latin origins of the word hint at ability . Possibility also refers to
Kaynak: Possibility
number of all outcomes (tossing a fair coin twice will yield HH with probability 1/4, because the four outcomes HH, HT, TH and TT are possible).
Kaynak: Probability
In philosophy and logic , the concept of a possible world is used to express modal claims . The concept of possible worlds is common in
Kaynak: Possible world
Unproven reserves can further be divided into two subcategories—"probable" and "possible"—to indicate the relative degree of uncertainty
Kaynak: Oil reserves
A logically possible proposition is one that can be asserted without implying a logical contradiction . is logically possible if there is
Kaynak: Logical possibility
We do not know whether Goldbach's conjecture is true or not (no-one has come up with a proof yet); so it is (epistemically) possible that
Kaynak: Subjunctive possibility

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