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possum ne demek?

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possum anlamı
1) opossum
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"possum" için örnek kullanımlar

Google plays possum with its search and maps despite its dominance.
Google'ın kendi egemenliğinin rağmen arama ve harita ile sıçan oynar.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
The ancient rock carving shows a man climbing a tree, possibly to hunt a possum.
Antik kaya oyma bir opossum avlamak için muhtemelen, bir ağacın tepesine bir adam gösterir.
Kaynak: theglobalmail.org
Proposed possum control changes could generate major savings.
Önerilen possum denetimi değişiklikleri büyük tasarruf sağlayabilir.
Kaynak: scoop.co.nz
A possum (plural form: possums-) is any of about 70 small to medium-sized arboreal marsupial species native to Australia , New Guinea ,
Kaynak: Possum
The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula, from the Greek for "furry tailed" and the Latin for "little fox", previously in the
Kaynak: Common brushtail possum
The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is a major agricultural and conservation pest in New Zealand . In Māori it is
Kaynak: Common brushtail possum in New Zealand
Colloquially, the Virginia opossum is frequently called simply possum. The name is applied more generally to any of the other marsupials
Kaynak: Virginia opossum
Phalanger, from the Greek Phalangion, meaning spider's web, from their webbed toes is a genus of possum . They are marsupial s of the
Kaynak: Phalanger
Leadbeater's possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) is an endangered possum restricted to small pockets of remaining old growth mountain ash
Kaynak: Leadbeater's possum
The pygmy possums are a family of small possum s that together form the marsupial family Burramyidae. pygmy possum, grouped into two genera .
Kaynak: Pygmy possum
The common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus, Greek for "false hand" and Latin for "pilgrim" or "alien") is an Australia n
Kaynak: Common ringtail possum
The honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus) is a tiny Australia n marsupial weighing just seven to eleven grams for the male, and eight to
Kaynak: Honey possum
The striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata) is a member of the Petauridae family , one of the marsupial families. The species is black
Kaynak: Striped possum
There are many different types of Gliding possum, sometimes referred to simply as gliders: Australia n gliders. gliding possum, Acrobates pygmaeus
Kaynak: Gliding possum

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