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postmark ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

postmark anlamı
1) posta damgası
1) posta damgası basmak
2) damgalamak

"postmark" için örnek kullanımlar

All dogs must be licensed by March 15th, a postmark is not acceptable.
Tüm köpekler 15 Mart tarafından lisanslı olması gerekir, bir posta damgası kabul edilebilir değildir.
Kaynak: woburn.patch.com
The US Postal Service postmark determines if payments were mailed by their due date.
Ödemeler ödeme tarihine göre gönderilecek olsaydı ABD Posta Servisi damgası belirler.
Kaynak: dailyrecordnews.com
The postmark today is from the team known as 'dem bums.
Postmark bugün dem Serseriler 'olarak bilinen ekipten olduğunu.
Kaynak: swrnn.com
The only way to get a local postmark now is to wait in line and have a letter hand cancelled.
Şimdi bir yerel damgası almak için tek yolu satır beklemek ve bir mektup ele iptal sahip olmaktır.
Kaynak: ktar.com
A postmark is a postal marking made on a letter , package, postcard or the like indicating the date and time that the item was delivered
Kaynak: Postmark
Generalist stamp collectors usually prefer lightly cancelled stamps which have the postmark on a corner or small portion of the stamp
Kaynak: Cancellation (mail)
A machine postmark or machine cancellation is a postmark or cancellation on mail that is applied by a mechanical device rather than with
Kaynak: Machine postmark
A squared-circle postmark is a type of postmark that surrounds the circle of town and date with a set of concentric arcs forming a square
Kaynak: Squared-circle postmark
The Jai Hind Post Mark was the first commemorative postmark of Independent India, and was issued on the day of independence, 15 August
Kaynak: Jai Hind Post-mark
The item is then processed by the postal system, where a postmark , sometimes known as a cancellation mark, is usually applied over the
Kaynak: Postage stamp
The postal history of Monaco can be traced to the principality's first postmark in 1704. manuscript and handstamp postmarks for Monaco and
Kaynak: Postage stamps and postal history of Monaco
Marcophily, occasionally called Marcophilately, is the specialised study and collection of postmark s, cancellation s and postal markings
Kaynak: Marcophily
In philately a backstamp is a postmark on the back of a letter showing a post office or station through which the item passed in transit
Kaynak: Backstamp
A duplex cancel was a hand stamp used to cancel postage stamp s and imprint a dated postmark applied simultaneously with the one device
Kaynak: Duplex cancel

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