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postmaster ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

postmaster anlamı
1) posta müdürü
2) postane müdürü

"postmaster" için örnek kullanımlar

I think the postmaster general is smarter than Congress.
Ben postmaster genel akıllı Kongresinden daha olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: redding.com
"Obviously, the postmaster had a lot of power."
"Açıkçası, postmaster güç bir sürü vardı."
Kaynak: fairfieldcitizenonline.com
The postmaster general has been on a rampage.
Postmaster genel bir öfke olmuştur.
Kaynak: socialistworker.org
If you do get what looks like lottery material from a foreign country, give it to your local postmaster.
Eğer yabancı bir ülkeden piyango malzemenin neye benzediğini almak istemiyorsanız, yerel postmaster vermek.
Kaynak: whec.com
A postmaster is the head of an individual post office . date March 2012 When a postmaster is responsible for an entire mail distribution
Kaynak: Postmaster
The USPS traces its roots to 1775 during the Second Continental Congress , where Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first postmaster
Kaynak: United States Postal Service
In computers and technology , postmaster is a term used to identify the administrator of a mail server . e-mail address postmaster@example.
Kaynak: Postmaster (computing)
A postmaster is the head of an individual post office. Postmaster may also refer to: Postmaster (computing), the administrator of an email
Kaynak: Postmaster (disambiguation)

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