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prevailing ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prevailing anlamı
1) geçerli
2) egemen
3) yaygın
4) cari
5) galip
6) genel

"prevailing" için örnek kullanımlar

He freed music from hitherto prevailing conventions of harmony and structure.
O uyum ve yapı şimdiye dek hakim olan sözleşmeler müzik kurtardı.
Kaynak: nybooks.com
I jumped in the canal with a 25 knot easterly at my back and prevailing swell.
Sırtımda ve hakim kabarma de doğudan 25 düğüm ile kanal atladı.
Kaynak: sunshinecoastdaily.com.au
We have enjoyed one or two days each week without the prevailing winds chasing us.
Biz hakim rüzgarlar bizi takip etmeden her hafta bir ya da iki gün keyif aldık.
Kaynak: forshorefishing.blogs.theledger.com
The uncertainty prevailing over the U.S. defense budget and sequestration might impac
ABD savunma bütçesi ve tutma üzerinde hüküm süren belirsizlik IMPAC olabilir
Kaynak: zacks.com
In government contracting, a prevailing wage is defined as the hourly wage, usual benefits and overtime, paid to the majority of workers,
Kaynak: Prevailing wage
The Westerlies, anti-trades or Prevailing Westerlies, are prevailing winds in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude ,
Kaynak: Westerlies
A locknut, also known as a lock nut, locking nut, prevailing torque nut stiff nut or elastic stop nut is a nut that resists loosening
Kaynak: Locknut
The trade winds (also called trades) are the prevailing pattern of easterly surface wind s found in the tropics , within the lower portion
Kaynak: Trade wind
The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that describes the early development of the Universe According to the theory,
Kaynak: Big Bang
desert s can be moved great distances from its source region by the prevailing winds ; winds that are accelerated by rough topography and
Kaynak: Wind
In horse racing , the starting price (SP) is the odds prevailing in the on-course fixed-odds betting market at the time a race begins.
Kaynak: Starting price
The polar easterlies (also Polar Hadley cells) are the dry, cold prevailing winds that blow from the high-pressure areas of the polar high
Kaynak: Polar easterlies
Market sentiment is the general prevailing attitude of investor s as to anticipated price development in a market. This attitude is the
Kaynak: Market sentiment
In pre-romanesque Germany , the prevailing style was what has come to be known as Ottonian art. With Ottonian architecture , it is a key
Kaynak: Ottonian art
The City Treasurer is a position of responsibility for a city according to the prevailing laws in that city. The treasurer of a public
Kaynak: City Treasurer
The climate of Europe is of a temperate , continental nature, with a maritime climate prevailing on the western coasts and a
Kaynak: Climate of Europe
rituals prevailing within the Muslim world . Participants in these rites belong to communities of people who have Islam as their faith .
Kaynak: Islamic marital practices
In keeping with its prevailing self-identity as a via media or "middle path" of Western Christianity , Anglican sacramental theology
Kaynak: Anglican sacraments
The prevailing type of fish locomotion is swimming in water . In addition, some fish can "walk", i.e., move over land, burrow in mud,
Kaynak: Fish locomotion
The prevailing culture of the Southern United States is said to be a "culture of honor ", that is, a culture where people avoid intentional
Kaynak: Culture of honor (Southern United States)

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