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prevalence ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

prevalence anlamı
1) yaygınlık
2) egemen olma

"prevalence" için örnek kullanımlar

However, some groups have not found a higher prevalence of CCSVI in people with MS.
Ancak, bazı gruplar MS'li kişilerde CCSVI daha yüksek yaygınlık bulamadık.
Kaynak: leaderpost.com
The HIV/Aids prevalence rate in the district is 7.3 per cent.
Bölgesinde HIV / Aids yaygınlık oranının yüzde 7.3 olduğunu.
Kaynak: monitor.co.ug
Over the course of the past 30 years, the prevalence of childhood obesity nearly tripled.
Geçtiğimiz 30 yıl boyunca, çocukluk obezite sıklığı yaklaşık üçe katlandı.
Kaynak: freshplaza.com
The irony, of course, is that funding has declined as the prevalence of insomnia has risen.
Ironi, tabii ki, uykusuzluk kullanımının arttığı olarak fon azalmıştır olmasıdır.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
In epidemiology , the prevalence or prevalence proportion is the proportion of a population found to have a condition (typically a disease
Kaynak: Prevalence
In epidemiology , point prevalence is a measure of the proportion of people in a population who have a disease or condition at a particular
Kaynak: Point prevalence
In epidemiology , Period prevalence is the proportion of the population with a given disease or condition over a specific period of time.
Kaynak: Period prevalence
System prevalence is a simple software architectural pattern that combines system image s (snapshots) and transaction journaling to
Kaynak: System Prevalence
A 2012 review of global prevalence estimates of autism spectrum disorders found a median of 62 cases per 10,000 people There is a lack
Kaynak: Epidemiology of autism
The prevalence of mental disorders has been studied around the world, providing estimates on how common mental disorder s are.
Kaynak: Prevalence of mental disorders
In Latin America , prevalence is universally low The WHO states that "there is generally little non-religious circumcision in Asia, with
Kaynak: Prevalence of circumcision
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS , and the prevalence rate among adults based on data from various sources, largely the CIA World Factbook
Kaynak: List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate
This List of South Korean surnames by prevalence ranks Korean family names by population. Data is provided by the South Korean government
Kaynak: List of South Korean surnames by prevalence
Furthermore, in the U.S., the prevalence for cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL +/- P) is 2.2 to 11.7 per 10,000 births.
Kaynak: Clefting prevalence in different cultures
prevalence: Incidence should not be confused with prevalence , which is a measure of the total number of cases of disease in a population
Kaynak: Incidence (epidemiology)
This is a list of countries (and some territories) by the annual prevalence of opiate s use as percentage of the population aged 15–64
Kaynak: List of countries by prevalence of opiates use
Prevalence: File:Fgm map. svg | Estimated prevalence of FGM in Africa Amnesty International estimates that over 140 million women worldwide
Kaynak: Prevalence of female genital mutilation by country
This is a list of countries (and some territories) by the annual prevalence of cocaine use as percentage of the population aged 15–64
Kaynak: List of countries by prevalence of cocaine use

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