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prevarication ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prevarication anlamı
1) yalan
2) kaçamak söz
3) yalan ifade

"prevarication" için örnek kullanımlar

However, the industry senses prevarication on the part of the Government.
Ancak, Hükümet adına sanayi duyuları yalan.
Kaynak: eaem.co.uk
After six years of prevarication, there is little change to the building.
Yalan altı yıl sonra, küçük bina değiştirmek vardır.
Kaynak: buckinghamshireadvertiser.co.uk
You may call this prevarication, but a shareholder would call it prudence.
Bu yalan diyebilirsin, ama bir hissedar o basiret çağırır.
Kaynak: theregister.co.uk
For a band who always pushed the envelope, prevarication is understandable.
Her zaman zarf itti bir grup için, yalan anlaşılabilir.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
The marriage came about following her proposal to him due to his prevarication. The union of these two heralded an era of unsurpassed
Kaynak: Zofia Szydłowiecka
resigned in protest over continued French prevarication against full independence, al-Khatib was appointed in his stead by the French authorities.
Kaynak: Bahij al-Khatib
After two years of prevarication and temporizing by Acacius, Pope Felix III of Rome condemned the act and excommunicated Acacius (484),
Kaynak: Henotikon
After two weeks' prevarication he settled on Canberra He then returned to Tasmanian politics, serving in the House of Assembly from 1912 to
Kaynak: Norman Cameron (politician)
He should rebuke with severity the first tendency to prevarication or dishonesty in word or act. With a system of divided responsibility,
Kaynak: Commandant of Cadets
state of Spain, whose will Garzón deliberately chose to ignore or circumvent, "and that this fact may constitute a crime of prevarication
Kaynak: Luciano Varela
The shade of the swindle, the prevarication and the bribe flew over above this fabulous business for the dangerous trafficker of weapons.
Kaynak: Basil Zaharoff
The Supreme Court of Spain has declared admissible three criminal accusation s against Garzón for 'prevarication' which implies using his
Kaynak: Baltasar Garzón
Antonio Roca and many councillors, were arrested on charges of public funds malversation , prevarication , bribery and traffic of influence .
Kaynak: Marbella City Council dissolution
After some prevarication Billy says that Queenie is with him and indeed is now his wife. Queenie enters, and there is an awkward but
Kaynak: This Happy Breed
He is apparently impervious to personal abuse but is angered by stupidity, incompetence, prevarication and anything else that slows him
Kaynak: Nicholas van Rijn
the 23 of Octobre, concerning the prevarication of certain Friers of the University of Padua, who had taken his Majesties money, for their
Kaynak: Richard Croke
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