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prevention ne demek?

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prevention anlamı
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"prevention" için örnek kullanımlar

The subject of the forum is osteoporosis, cause and prevention.
Forumun konusu osteoporoz, nedeni ve önlenmesi.
Kaynak: opinion.inquirer.net
In medicine, a central principle is that prevention is the best approach to disease.
Tıpta, merkezi bir ilke önlenmesi hastalığı için en iyi yaklaşım olmasıdır.
Kaynak: skyhidailynews.com
Arthritis Workshop: Prevention, relief with natural solutions.
Artrit Atölye: Önleme, doğal çözümler ile rahatlama.
Kaynak: tcpalm.com
Expect Orr to cut office employees, and beef up police to improve public safety and crime prevention.
Orr kamu güvenliği ve suç önleme geliştirmek için polise kadar ofis çalışanları ve sığır eti kesmek için bekliyoruz.
Kaynak: autos.aol.com
Prevention-to avoid doing; stay away from dangerous or risky things. Prevention may refer to: General safety. Crime prevention Hazard prevention
Kaynak: Prevention
Prevention: Cancer prevention is defined as active measures to decrease the risk of cancer The vast majority of cancer cases are due to
Kaynak: Cancer
Gordon (1987) in the area of disease prevention and later Kumpfer and Baxley in the area of substance use proposed a three-tiered
Kaynak: Preventive medicine
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS), also known as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), are network security appliances that
Kaynak: Intrusion prevention system
Crime prevention is the attempt to reduce victimization and to deter crime and criminals. It is applied specifically to efforts made by
Kaynak: Crime prevention
Suicide prevention is an umbrella term for the collective efforts of local citizen organizations, mental health practitioners and related
Kaynak: Suicide prevention
The focus of public health intervention is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease and
Kaynak: Public health
However, other definitions differ; they may entail psychological or physical dependence and may focus on treatment and prevention in
Kaynak: Substance abuse
Fire prevention is a function of many fire departments . The goal of fire prevention is to educate the public to take precautions to
Kaynak: Fire prevention
Hazard prevention refers to the prevention of risk s. The first and most effective stage of hazard prevention and emergency management is
Kaynak: Hazard prevention
Common areas of focus for prevention and mitigation projects include forest fire prevention measures, such as early warning measures and
Kaynak: Emergency management
Injury prevention is an effort to prevent or reduce the severity of bodily injuries caused by external mechanisms, such as accident s,
Kaynak: Injury prevention
Risks in personal health may be reduced by primary prevention actions that decrease early causes of illness or by secondary prevention
Kaynak: Risk
HIV prevention refers to practices done to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS . HIV prevention practices may be done by individuals to protect
Kaynak: Prevention of HIV/AIDS

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