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On Friday they did what they have previously done in those situations.
Cuma günü onlar daha önce bu durumlarda yaptıklarını yaptım.
Kaynak: latimes.com
Reactions to the plan echoed previously voiced support and criticism.
Planı Tepkiler önceden dile destek ve eleştiri yankılandı.
Kaynak: latimes.com
He had previously cancelled six US shows while he received hospital treatment.
O hastanede tedavi ederken önceden altı ABD gösterileri iptal etmişti.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
Kathy Bates is joining the cast this year, as previously reported.
Kathy Bates bu yıl döküm katılmadan, daha önce bildirilen.
Kaynak: complex.com
The Cascading Style Sheets language defines the same number of named colors as the HTML 4 spec, namely the 16 listed previously .
Kaynak: Web colors
The location for the pods containing the human specimens was a disused paper mill previously used as the base of the Nestene Consciousness
Kaynak: New Earth
Scott (Sullivan Stapleton ), who would not be hired by even private military contractors , who previously worked with Porter to track Latif.
Kaynak: Strike Back (TV series)
The Slitheen previously appeared in the Doctor Who episodes "Aliens of London ", "World War Three " and "Boom Town " and in the
Kaynak: Revenge of the Slitheen
Eshkol kept the same coalition partners as previously , i.e. Mapai , the National Religious Party , Ahdut HaAvoda , Poalei Agudat Yisrael
Kaynak: Eleventh government of Israel
Below is a partial list of shows that were previously aired on Philippine television network, GMA Network . For the currently aired shows
Kaynak: List of programs aired by GMA Network
Below is a partial list of shows that were previously aired on Philippine television network, ABS-CBN . For the current programs which
Kaynak: List of programs aired by ABS-CBN
From 2002, nine detainees who were previously Taliban prisoners were held by the United States as enemy combatants in its Guantanamo Bay
Kaynak: Guantanamo detainees who were previously Taliban prisoners

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