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prexy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"prexy" için örnek kullanımlar

NCAA prexy replaces enforcement director after fumbled probe.
Prob arandı sonrası NCAA prexy icra müdürü değiştirir.
Kaynak: lmtribune.com
Cuban will continue to lead the net as prexy and CEO.
Küba prexy ve CEO olarak net öncülük etmeye devam edecektir.
Kaynak: variety.com
That prompted the next presenter, CAS prexy David Fluhr to riposte "Yes, there are accountants."
Yani sonraki sunum, riposte CAS prexy David Fluhr "Evet, muhasebeciler vardır." Istenir
Kaynak: variety.com
The move comes on the heels of Sundance's promotion last week of Sarah Barnett to the prexy post.
Hareket prexy yazılan Sundance tanıtım Sarah Barnett geçen hafta arkasından geliyor.
Kaynak: variety.com
External links : com/2009/04/04/world/europe/04prexy. html | publisher New York Times | date April 3, 2009 | accessdate April 4, 2012 first
Kaynak: List of presidential trips made by Barack Obama
Actor Peter Fonda will act as prexy of the feature film jury The festival introduced a new section this year, Panorama D, dedicated to
Kaynak: 2008 Zurich Film Festival
References: com/2009/04/04/world/europe/04prexy. html | publisher New York Times | date April 3, 2009 | accessdate April 4, 2012 first | last
Kaynak: List of presidential trips made by Barack Obama during 2009
See also : com/2009/03/26/washington/28prexy. html? pagewanted all | accessdate 6 September 2012 | newspaper The New York Times | date 27 March
Kaynak: Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan

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