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process ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

process anlamı
1) süreç
2) işlem
3) yöntem
4) usul
5) aşama
6) dava
7) çıkıntı
8) gidiş
1) işlemek
2) yönlendirmek
3) işleme tabi tutmak
4) alaya katılmak
5) dava açmak
6) özel işlem uygulamak

"process" için örnek kullanımlar

Besides, the refi process is so thorough these days, don't even bother.
Ayrıca, Refi süreci bu gün çok kapsamlı olduğunu, hatta rahatsız etmeyin.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
The earliest the Malkins could conclude the voting process is by March 25th.
Malkins oylama süreci sonuca olabilir erken 25 Mart gereğidir.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
It is, he says, a process to be followed by club and coach alike.
O, diyor, hem kulübü ve antrenörü tarafından takip edilmesi gereken bir süreçtir.
Kaynak: adelaidenow.com.au
In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current
Kaynak: Process (computing)
In probability theory , a stochastic process. (pron | s | t | əʊ | ˈ | k | æ | s | t | ɪ | k or sometimes random process (widely used) is a
Kaynak: Stochastic process
A business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or
Kaynak: Business process
Due process' is the legal requirement that the state must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances
Kaynak: Due process
A software development process, also known as a software development life-cycle (SDLC), is a structure imposed on the development of a
Kaynak: Software development process
The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron prior to the open
Kaynak: Bessemer process
Semiconductor device fabrication is the process used to create the integrated circuit s that are present in everyday electrical and
Kaynak: Semiconductor device fabrication
In mathematics , the Wiener process is a continuous-time stochastic process named in honor of Norbert Wiener . It is often called
Kaynak: Wiener process
Information processing is the change (processing) of information in any manner detectable by an observer . As such, it is a process that
Kaynak: Information processing
Process theology or process thought is a school of thought influenced by the metaphysical process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead
Kaynak: Process theology

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