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reconstruct ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reconstruct anlamı
1) yeniden inşa etmek
2) yeniden kurmak
3) imar etmek
4) kalkındırmak
5) yeni baştan yapmak
6) bozup yapmak

"reconstruct" için örnek kullanımlar

It was meant to reconstruct the freight route that ran from Anchorage to Nome.
Bu Anchorage Nome koştu navlun rotayı yeniden gerekiyordu.
Kaynak: allpetnews.com
You could, we thought, reconstruct rather than demolish the concept.
Sen, biz düşündük, daha ziyade konsept yıkmak daha yeniden olabilir.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
First, we continue to optimize and reconstruct our business model.
Birincisi, bizim iş modeli optimize etmek ve yeniden devam ediyor.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
And we are working towards being able to reconstruct with materials as we operate.
Ve biz işletmek gibi malzemeler ile yeniden mümkün olma yolunda çalışıyoruz.
Kaynak: heraldsun.com.au
According to Linzie (2004), the reconstructionist movement originated around 1970 with early attempts to reconstruct pre-Christian
Kaynak: Polytheistic reconstructionism
plastic surgeons and otolaryngologists do reconstructive surgery on faces after trauma and to reconstruct the head and neck after cancer.
Kaynak: Reconstructive surgery
A breast implant is a medical prosthesis used to augment, reconstruct, or create the physical form of breast s. Applications include
Kaynak: Breast implant

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