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reducer ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reducer anlamı
1) redüktör
2) indirgen
3) negatifleri zayıflatıcı madde

"reducer" için örnek kullanımlar

Gardening is a great stress reducer, which could actually lower your blood pressure.
Bahçecilik aslında kan basıncını düşürebilir büyük bir stres düşürücü vardır.
Kaynak: cdapress.com
Studies have shown that plants, whether you're looking at them or growing them, can be a stress reducer.
Çalışmalar bitkiler, onlara bakarak veya onları büyüyen konum olsun, bir stres düşürücü olabileceğini göstermiştir.
Kaynak: philadelphia.cbslocal.com
A reducer is the component in a pipeline that reduces the pipe size from a larger to a smaller bore (inner diameter ). The length of
Kaynak: Reducer
An eccentric reducer is a fitting used in piping systems between two pipes of different diameters. They are used where the diameter of the
Kaynak: Eccentric reducer
A Bearing reducer is a bearing that designates the full integration of high-precision reduction gear and high-precision radial-axial
Kaynak: Bearing reducer
A telecompressor or focal reducer is an optical element which amateur astronomer s use to reduce the focal length of a telescope .
Kaynak: Telecompressor
A cycloidal drive or cycloid al speed reducer is a mechanism for reducing the speed of an input shaft by a certain ratio . reducers are
Kaynak: Cycloidal drive
Using just a few parts per million of the drag reducer helps to reduce the turbulence inside the pipe. Because the oil pushes up against
Kaynak: Drag reducing agent
mixture is known as Farmer's reducer; this can help offset problems from overexposure of the negative, or brighten the highlights in the print
Kaynak: Potassium ferricyanide
A reducing agent (also called a reductant or reducer) is the element or compound in a reduction-oxidation (redox ) reaction that donates an
Kaynak: Reducing agent
bound protein complex present in the electron transport chain of sulfate reducer s (e.g. Desulfovibrio species) and some sulfur oxidizer s.
Kaynak: Quinone-interacting membrane-bound oxidoreductase
Introduction: This application φ is called the reducer of ρ. More generally, μ et ρ are linked by their Stieltjes transformation with the
Kaynak: Secondary measure

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