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reducing ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reducing anlamı
1) küçültme
2) azalma
3) kısma
1) indirgen
2) zayıflatıcı
3) zayıflama

"reducing" için örnek kullanımlar

Reducing the Premiums Cost of your Dental Insurance.
Sizin Diş Sigorta Primleri Maliyet azaltılması.
Kaynak: worldental.org
It took a stunning save from Cole to prevent Fleetwood reducing the deficit in the 44th minute.
Bu 44. dakikada açığının azaltılması Fleetwood önlemek için Cole çarpıcı tasarruf aldı.
Kaynak: thisisplymouth.co.uk
By reducing supplies, this bailout also would raise the market price of sugar used to make sweets.
Malzemeleri azaltarak, bu kurtarma işlemi de tatlılar yapmak için kullanılan şeker piyasa fiyatı yükseltmek olacaktır.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
A dip in gasoline consumption has compounded the industry's problem by reducing the demand for ethanol.
Benzin tüketimi bir dalış etanol talebi azaltarak sektörün sorunu ağırlaşmıştı.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Oxidizing and reducing agents: In redox processes, the reductant transfers electrons to the oxidant. the reductant or reducing agent loses
Kaynak: Redox
A reducing agent (also called a reductant or reducer) is the element or compound in a reduction-oxidation (redox ) reaction that donates an
Kaynak: Reducing agent
Most often, climate change mitigation scenarios involve reductions in the concentrations of greenhouse gases , either by reducing their
Kaynak: Climate change mitigation
Waste minimization is the process and the policy of reducing the amount of waste produced by a person or a society. Waste minimization
Kaynak: Waste minimisation
A reducing atmosphere, also known as a reduction atmosphere, is an atmospheric condition in which oxidation is prevented by removal of
Kaynak: Reducing atmosphere
Steps advocated for reducing the numbers of immigrants include advocating stronger action to prevent illegal entry and illegal
Kaynak: Immigration reduction in the United States
The reducing flame is the flame with low oxygen. It has a yellow or yellowish color due to carbon or hydrocarbon s which bind with (or
Kaynak: Oxidizing and reducing flames
Sulfate-reducing bacteria are those bacteria and archaea that can obtain energy by oxidizing organic compound s or molecular hydrogen
Kaynak: Sulfate-reducing bacteria
A reducing sugar is any sugar that either has an aldehyde group or is capable of forming one in solution through isomerism .
Kaynak: Reducing sugar
Sulfur-reducing bacteria (SRB) get their energy by reducing elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide . They couple this reaction with the
Kaynak: Sulfur-reducing bacteria
In biochemistry, the term reducing equivalent refers to any of a number of chemical species which transfer the equivalent of one electron
Kaynak: Reducing equivalent
Drag reducing agents are additives in pipelines that reduce turbulence in a pipe. the pipeline capacity by reducing turbulence and therefore
Kaynak: Drag reducing agent
Ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP, also Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power) is an antioxidant capacity assays which uses Trolox
Kaynak: Ferric reducing ability of plasma

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