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redundant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

redundant anlamı
1) gereksiz
2) gereğinden fazla
3) ihtiyaç fazlası
4) lüzumsuz
5) işten çıkarılmış
6) anlama katkısı olmayan
7) lâf kalabalığı olan

"redundant" için örnek kullanımlar

More importantly, taking over Times Square would be completely redundant.
Daha da önemlisi, Times Meydanı devralarak tamamen gereksiz olurdu.
Kaynak: digitaltrends.com
It wouldn't be very entertaining and drivers would be more or less redundant.
Bu çok eğlenceli olmaz ve sürücüleri daha fazla veya daha az gereksiz olurdu.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
If the bankers don't implement the laws properly what its redundant.
Bankacılar düzgün ne onun gereksiz yasaları uygulamak istemiyorsanız.
Kaynak: ibnlive.in.com
"One of these men told us that our jobs were being made redundant."
"Bu adamlardan biri bizim işleri gereksiz yapılıyordu anlattı."
Kaynak: bordermail.com.au
A redundant church is a church building that is no longer required for regular public worship. The phrase is particularly used to refer
Kaynak: Redundant church
In a triply redundant system, the system has three sub components, all three of which must fail before the system fails. Since each one
Kaynak: Redundancy (engineering)
RAS syndrome (short for "redundant acronym syndrome syndrome"-), also known as PNS syndrome ("PIN number syndrome syndrome", which expands
Kaynak: RAS syndrome
In computer programming , redundant code is source code or compiled code in a computer program that has any form of redundancy, such as
Kaynak: Redundant code
In fact, many examples of redundant expressions are not inherently redundant, but can be redundant if used one way, and are not redundant
Kaynak: Pleonasm
However, concerns of efficiency and convenience can sometimes result in redundant data design despite the risk of corrupting the data
Kaynak: Data redundancy
Often, redundancies occur in speech unintentionally, but redundant phrases can also be deliberately constructed for emphasis, to reduce the
Kaynak: Redundancy (linguistics)
In total quality management , TQM, redundancy in quality or redundant quality means quality which exceeds the required quality level.
Kaynak: Redundancy (total quality management)
The third product term BC is redundant. If A switches from 1 to 0 while B 1 and C 1, Y remains 1. During the transition of signal A in
Kaynak: Logic redundancy
RAID (redundant array of independent disks, originally redundant array of inexpensive disks) is a storage technology that combines multiple
Kaynak: RAID
A goal of redundant topologies is to eliminate network downtime caused by a single point of failure . All networks need redundancy for
Kaynak: Redundant topologies

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