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regularity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

regularity anlamı
1) düzenlilik
2) düzen
3) devamlılık
4) düzgünlük
5) düzenli olma
6) sisteme uygunluk

"regularity" için örnek kullanımlar

Bernstein admits the regularity of such abuse is worrying for the game.
Bernstein gibi kötüye düzenliliği oyun için endişe vericidir itiraf ediyor.
Kaynak: breakingnews.ie
He certainly didn't fill those shoes with enough regularity this year.
O kesinlikle bu yıl yeterince düzenlilik ile bu ayakkabıları doldurmak vermedi.
Kaynak: thedp.com
Didn't any other team need a guy who could save games with regularity?
Herhangi bir diğer ekip düzenlilik ile oyunlar kurtarabilecek bir adama ihtiyacımız var mı?
Kaynak: ohio.com
The Elks could never put together multiple baskets with any kind of regularity.
Elks düzenlilik her türlü çoklu sepetleri birlikte koymak asla.
Kaynak: santafenewmexican.com
There are an extremely large number of unrelated notions of "regularity" in mathematics. Algebra and number theory: (See also the geometry
Kaynak: Regular
In mathematics, the axiom of regularity (also known as the axiom of foundation) is one of the axioms of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory and was
Kaynak: Axiom of regularity
misses the closure of the other one, so (by regularity) there exist disjoint neighborhoods separating one point from (the closure of) the other.
Kaynak: Regular space
In mathematics, regularity theorem may refer to: Almgren regularity theorem Elliptic regularity Harish-Chandra's regularity theorem
Kaynak: Regularity theorem
Statistical regularity is a notion in statistics and probability theory that random events exhibit regularity when repeated enough times
Kaynak: Statistical regularity
In mathematics , the Szemerédi regularity lemma states that every large enough graph can be divided into subsets of about the same size so
Kaynak: Szemerédi regularity lemma
In mathematics , the notion of partition regularity in combinatorics is one approach to explaining when a set system is quite large.
Kaynak: Partition regularity
The regularity of a subscheme is defined to be the regularity of its sheaf of ideals. The regularity controls when the Hilbert function
Kaynak: Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity
In mathematical geometric measure theory , the Almgren regularity theorem, proved by. txt | last Almgren | authorlink Frederick J. Almgren,
Kaynak: Almgren regularity theorem
The presumption of regularity is a presumption that forms part of the law of evidence of England and Wales . It is expressed by the maxim
Kaynak: Presumption of regularity
In mathematics, Harish-Chandra's regularity theorem, introduced by. txt | last Harish-Chandra | authorlink Harish-Chandra | year 1963
Kaynak: Harish-Chandra's regularity theorem
In mathematics , the regularity theorem for Lebesgue measure is a result in measure theory that states that Lebesgue measure on the real
Kaynak: Regularity theorem for Lebesgue measure
The least n 0 such that HP_S(n)HF_S(n) for n ≥ n 0 is called the Hilbert regularity. It may be lower than deg P-delta+1. The Hilbert
Kaynak: Hilbert series and Hilbert polynomial

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