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regularly ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

regularly anlamı
1) düzenli olarak
2) devamlı
3) devamlı olarak
4) muntazaman
5) sistemli olarak
6) adamakıllı
7) gerçekten

"regularly" için örnek kullanımlar

But working on the show means you're regularly reminded of its heritage.
Ama gösteri üzerinde çalışan düzenli onun mirasını hatırlattı demektir.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Caron noted what he did with Brodeur both early in his career and regularly.
Caron o düzenli kariyerinin başlarında hem Brodeur ne yaptığını kaydetti.
Kaynak: inlouwetrust.com
This will likely be the last regularly scheduled game between these two teams.
Bu büyük olasılıkla bu iki takım arasındaki son düzenli oyun olacak.
Kaynak: nydailynews.com
Greene performed regularly on the Grand Ole Opry beginning in 1967.
Greene, 1967 yılında Grand Ole Opry başında düzenli yapılmaktadır.
Kaynak: clarionledger.com
A regularly varying function resembles a power law function near infinity. Slowly varying and regularly varying functions are important
Kaynak: Slowly varying function
It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular population The term is used mostly in connection with national population
Kaynak: Census
A cartoon series is a set of regularly presented animated television program s with a common series title, usually related to one another.
Kaynak: Cartoon series
A pension is a contract for a fixed sum to be paid regularly to a person, typically following retirement from service Pensions should not
Kaynak: Pension
An all-rounder is a cricket er who regularly performs well at both batting and bowling . Although all bowlers must bat and quite a few
Kaynak: All-rounder
A news program, news programme, news show, or newscast is a regularly scheduled radio or television program that reports current events.
Kaynak: News program
Packet trade generally refers to any regularly scheduled cargo, passenger and mail trade conducted by ship The ships are called "packet
Kaynak: Packet trade
The team regularly played against the (English) Football League and other national league select teams between 1892 and 1980.
Kaynak: Scottish Football League XI
A hobby is an activity that is regularly undertaken for pleasure, typically during one's leisure time. Examples of hobbies include the
Kaynak: Hobby
A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic that is of interest to its subscriber s. Newspaper s
Kaynak: Newsletter
Appearing regularly in stories published by DC Comics , he debuted in Action Comics 1 (June 1938) and serves as the civilian and secret
Kaynak: Clark Kent
In biology, two species or populations are considered sympatric when they exist in the same geographic area and thus regularly encounter
Kaynak: Sympatry
Zombies are fictional undead creatures regularly encountered in horror and fantasy themed works. They are typically depicted as
Kaynak: Zombie (fictional)
Annual publications, more often called simply annuals, are serial publication s appearing regularly once per year Although exact
Kaynak: Annual publication

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