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reservoir ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reservoir anlamı
1) rezervuar
2) hazne
3) depo
4) su deposu

"reservoir" için örnek kullanımlar

Ever wonder about the water quality of the stream or reservoir you fish?
Hiç akışı veya rezervuar Eğer balık su kalitesi hakkında merak?
Kaynak: kansascity.com
It comes from the Oort cloud, a reservoir of comets in deep space.
Bu Oort bulutu, derin uzayda kuyrukluyıldızlar bir rezervuar geliyor.
Kaynak: newsminer.com
But the coming season will determine how deep that reservoir is.
Ama gelecek sezon o rezervuar ne kadar derin olduğunu belirleyecektir.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.com
Liquid samples acquired from the well did show mobile oil in a dense reservoir section.
De elde edilen sıvı örneklerinin yoğun bir rezervuar bölümünde mobil petrol gösterdi.
Kaynak: rigzone.com
A reservoir (etymology: from French réservoir a "storehouse), artificial lake, storage pond or impoundment from a dam date January 2013
Kaynak: Reservoir
For this reason, computer modeling of economically viable reservoirs is often carried out. Geologist s, geophysicist s and reservoir
Kaynak: Petroleum reservoir
Deep temperate lakes can maintain a reservoir of cold water year-round, which allows some cities to tap that reservoir for deep lake water
Kaynak: Lake
Natural reservoir or nidus (the latter from the Latin word for "nest") refers to the long-term host of the pathogen of an infectious
Kaynak: Natural reservoir
The Glenmore Reservoir is a large artificial reservoir on the Elbow River in the southwest quadrant of Calgary, Alberta . back the reservoir.
Kaynak: Glenmore Reservoir
A thermal reservoir, a short-form of thermal energy reservoir, or thermal bath is a thermodynamic system with a heat capacity that is
Kaynak: Thermal reservoir
South Para Reservoir is the second largest reservoir in South Australia , behind Mount Bold Reservoir , and the principal reservoir of the
Kaynak: South Para Reservoir
Reservoirs in Hong Kong are spread fairly evenly over the entire 1,104 km² of Hong Kong . There is plenty of space for small reservoir s
Kaynak: Reservoirs of Hong Kong
Because the oil reservoir s typically extend over a large area, possibly several hundred kilometres across, full exploitation entails
Kaynak: Oil field
The Croton Distributing Reservoir, also known as the Murray Hill Reservoir, was an above-ground reservoir at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue
Kaynak: Croton Distributing Reservoir
Cheddar Reservoir is an artificial reservoir in Somerset , England, operated by Bristol Water . Dating from the 1930s it has a capacity of
Kaynak: Cheddar Reservoir
The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean , or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical
Kaynak: Water cycle

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