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resound ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

resound anlamı
1) tınlamak
2) çınlamak
3) yayılmak
4) sesi yansıtmak
5) yankı yapmak
6) yankılanmak
7) çın çın ötmek
8) herkesçe duyulmak

"resound" için örnek kullanımlar

Laments frequently expressed in recent years resound ever louder this season.
Sık son yıllarda dile ağıt bu sezon şimdiye kadar yüksek sesle yankılanacak.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
That's a theme that would resound through the rest of Merriman's playing days.
Bu Merriman'ın çalma gün geri kalanı boyunca yankılanacak olan bir tema var.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
They like to have a name that will resound with the public.
Bunlar kamuoyu ile yankılanacak bir isim var gibi.
Kaynak: minutemannewscenter.com
Resonet in laudibus, translated into English as "Let the voice of praise resound" is a 14th century carol which was widely known in
Kaynak: Resonet in laudibus
The word is thought to derive from the base skell-, "to ring/resound" and the diminutive suffix -ling The slang term for a shilling as a
Kaynak: Shilling
The mark of the childhood in the hills can be seen in his works and his poems resound with an echo of the beauty of nature. He was a shy
Kaynak: Sumitranandan Pant

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