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resourceful ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

resourceful anlamı
1) becerikli
2) zengin kaynaklı
3) her şeye çare bulur
4) her işin Altından kalkar

"resourceful" için örnek kullanımlar

We are very resourceful and we're always ready to take our business elsewhere!
Biz çok becerikli ve her zaman başka bir yerde bizim iş almak için hazırsınız!
Kaynak: thejakartaglobe.com
As resourceful as Lara is, though, she can't seem to find a jacket.
Lara gibi becerikli gibi olsa da, o bir ceket bulmak için görünmüyor olabilir.
Kaynak: news.consumerreports.org
And you'll need to be resourceful too, if you want things to happen to your band.
Eğer şeyler bandı olmasını istiyorum Ve eğer, çok becerikli olmak gerekir.
Kaynak: drownedinsound.com
And the resourceful bunch also made 250 miniature Santa Claus characters last year.
Ve becerikli demet de geçen yıl 250 minyatür Noel Baba karakteri yaptı.
Kaynak: thisissurreytoday.co.uk
is a seinen manga written and illustrated by Kaiji Kawaguchi about a resourceful boy, Genichiro Ryu, as he survives a series of natural
Kaynak: A Spirit of the Sun
It tends to feature a resourceful character struggling against incredible odds, which may involve life-threatening situations, an evil
Kaynak: Action film
He is best known for his "Glass" character, a resourceful, success-seeking go-getter who was perfectly in tune with 1920s era America.
Kaynak: Harold Lloyd
Douglas was well known as a resourceful party leader, and an adroit, ready, skillful tactician in debate and passage of legislation.
Kaynak: Stephen A. Douglas
Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas are strongly independent, hard-working, resourceful, courageous people who value their past trials.
Kaynak: Hmong people
Guerrero's gimmick was that of "Latino Heat", a crafty, resourceful wrestler who would do anything to win a match. His catchphrase
Kaynak: Eddie Guerrero
Since Harun was intellectually, politically and militarily resourceful, his life and the court over which he held sway have been the
Kaynak: Harun al-Rashid
They are resourceful musicians, and are open-hearted, happy entertainers. That, very often, is what people want Both live a vegan
Kaynak: Rodrigo y Gabriela

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