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reverence ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reverence anlamı
1) hürmet
2) reverans
3) derin saygı
4) hayranlık
5) saygı ile eğilme

"reverence" için örnek kullanımlar

We've talked about Jackie Bradley in this space before and with reverence.
Biz saygı önce ve bu alanda Jackie Bradley hakkında konuştuk.
Kaynak: overthemonster.com
But it leads us to hold the institution of the NHS in a peculiar reverence.
Ama bize tuhaf bir saygıyla NHS kurumu tutun yol açar.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
First, it invests in a cultural reverence for magic I'm not sure really exists.
Öncelikle, ben gerçekten var emin değilim sihirli bir kültür saygı yatırım.
Kaynak: toromagazine.com
The figures around them are very much present, observing in benevolent reverence.
Çevrelerindeki rakamlar hayırsever saygıyla gözlemleyerek, çok mevcut.
Kaynak: houstonpress.com
Reverence (/ˈrɛvərəns/) is "a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration The word "reverence" in the modern day is
Kaynak: Reverence (emotion)
veneration in many religions. Philologically , "to venerate" derives from the Latin verb , venerare, meaning to regard with reverence and respect.
Kaynak: Veneration
one's superior or superiors Deference implies a yielding or submitting to the judgment of a recognized superior out of respect or reverence.
Kaynak: Deference
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for a religious deity or the irreverence towards religious or
Kaynak: Blasphemy
Pūjā or alternative transliteration Pooja, (Devanagari : पूजा) (پوجا) (Sanskrit : reverence , honour , adoration , or worship ) is a
Kaynak: Puja (Hinduism)
Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival celebrated every year in reverence of Lord Shiva . It is also known as padmarajarathri. Alternate
Kaynak: Maha Shivaratri

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