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reverential ne demek?

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"reverential" için örnek kullanımlar

She could have been more creative, more radical, and much less reverential.
O, daha yaratıcı daha radikal ve daha az saygılı olabilirdi.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
He has more than 37 years of reverential and local wine experience.
O hürmetkar ve yerel şarap deneyimi fazla 37 yıl vardır.
Kaynak: o.canada.com
We peered into the carefully lit cases with a reverential awe.
Biz saygılı huşu ile dikkatlice aydınlatılmış durumda içine baktı.
Kaynak: examiner.co.uk
Atonal II (Nahuatl name), also referred to as Atonaltzin (Nahuatl reverential form), Dzawindanda (Mixtec name), or Lord 6 Water, was a
Kaynak: Atonal II
respect” Level II, a “reverential” Level III, and finally, the sacred, “ultra-reverential” compadrazgo Level IV used in religious contexts.
Kaynak: Nahuatl honorifics
Historically, Maol Muire (devotee of Mary) was the reverential form used by the Irish, just as Giolla Phádraig (servant of Pádraig) was
Kaynak: Máire
historian s perceived to be uncritical or “reverential” to their subject, and is arguably the more common usage in a non-specialist context.
Kaynak: Hagiography
The atmosphere is hushed, reverential, mystical, nostalgic. Early life: He was born as Alan Vaness Chakmakjian in Somerville, Massachusetts ,
Kaynak: Alan Hovhaness
the reverential attitude towards technology that technophilia produces can sometimes inhibit realistic appraisals of the social and
Kaynak: Technophilia
Socialist Realism was marked by reverential depictions of workers, peasants living happily in their communes, and a young, fit Joseph
Kaynak: Sots Art
Moctezuma I , his brother The name of Zaca is probably derived from Nahuatl zacatl, meaning "grass"; -tzin is an honorific or reverential suffix .
Kaynak: Huehue Zaca
The painting departed from convention of the time by depicting a scientific subject in the reverential manner formerly reserved for scenes
Kaynak: An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump
It is a reverential but humorous work, full of love for the cult of the Virgin Mary, which at that time also received attention from Saint
Kaynak: Gautier de Coincy
Mam (Maya mythology), a reverential term for certain aged Maya deities. Mam, Azerbaijan , a village. Mam Jokmok , Thai comedian "
Kaynak: Mam
True to the matrilineal tradition of the Nair caste, he had a reverential relationship with Thakazhi. Thakazhi in turn was proud of his
Kaynak: M. G. G. Pillai
"The recordings were described as "delicate and suitably reverential" by The Skinny James announced that a portion of the proceeds would be
Kaynak: Tribute To
Reviewer Thom Jurek was even more positive, writing at Allmusic, "This isn't a reverential recording; it's authoritative; she makes these
Kaynak: Bring It On Home (Joan Osborne album)

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