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reverently ne demek?

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"reverently" için örnek kullanımlar

Its Museum of Wrestling dwells reverently on Soviet and Russian Olympic triumphs.
Güreş Onun Müzesi Sovyet ve Rus Olimpiyat zafer üzerine saygıyla yaşıyor.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
Or would I have placed it reverently on the shelf, and regretfully fired up my Kindle?
Yoksa rafa saygıyla yerleştirdi, ve üzülerek benim Kindle ateş olurdu?
Kaynak: blogs.independent.co.uk
We shouldn't blindly follow David Einhorn any more than we should reverently listen to Tim Cook.
Biz körü körüne biz saygıyla Tim Cook dinlemelidir daha başka David Einhorn takip olmamalıdır.
Kaynak: thefiscaltimes.com
They treat each other tenderly, even reverently.
Onlar bile saygıyla, şefkatle birbirimize davranma.
Kaynak: helenair.com
Lok-Priya Sant-Kavi Maharaj Chatur Singhji लोक-प्रिय सन्त-कवि महाराज चतुर सिंहजी reverently known as Bavji Chatur Singhji was born on
Kaynak: Bavji Chatur Singhji
often performed at wedding ceremonies as well as during Christian festive seasons like Christmas & Resurrection Sunday slowly and reverently.
Kaynak: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Servius describes the substance as pius (perhaps "reverently prepared" in this sense) and castus ("ritually pure The mola salsa was so
Kaynak: Mola salsa
(somewhat like the Western altar stone ), is reverently wrapped in rich cloth and born in procession on the head of the priest The Tabot,
Kaynak: Timkat
(over two hours), and very likely the most faithful, reverently following the book in its dialogue and order of episodes, unlike G.W. Pabst
Kaynak: Don Quixote de la Mancha (1947 film)
"Old Free" as he was reverently known in the trotting fraternity was also an expert in the management of thoroughbred horses.
Kaynak: Free Holmes
personality currently known as Lionel, is a novelty for Court TV, a satirical examination of the process it otherwise treats so reverently.
Kaynak: Snap Judgment (legal comedy show)
As per the common practice in Kerala, the deity is reverently called Eranakulathappan, which means Lord of Eranakulam. The temple is
Kaynak: Ernakulam Shiva Temple
The device is sometimes reverently referred to as a "Pinard horn ", or fetoscope (although fetoscope now refers to a fetal endoscope .
Kaynak: Adolphe Pinard
Mamet addresses the book "To the Jews…whose favorite Jew is Anne Frank …who bow the head reverently at a baptism and have never attended a
Kaynak: The Wicked Son
Among sausage connoisseurs, Gelbwurst is reverently referred to as the “mother of all sausage”date July 2010. It is best served cold on a
Kaynak: Gelbwurst
After the service, and following historical rubrics, the unconsumed bread and wine are reverently eaten by the priest and other ministers
Kaynak: Anglican Eucharistic theology
He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him
Kaynak: Guan Yu
Whoever held the cloth (all the while carefully looking the other way) then carried it off to be reverently disposed of. The Zipa was also
Kaynak: Muisca rulers
administered also to children who lack the use of reason, if the child can distinguish the sacrament from ordinary food and receive it reverently
Kaynak: Age of reason (canon law)
Both poems have inspired in-depth spiritual commentaries throughout the centuries, and they are still reverently memorized by Sufis and
Kaynak: Ibn al-Farid
If the best man in the community was struck down, his companions could do no more to testify their regret, than to lay him reverently in
Kaynak: Ye Antientist Burial Ground, New London
His body was afterwards reverently interred where the scene of martyrdom took place, and numerous miracles are claimed to have been wrought
Kaynak: Blathmac

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