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reviewer ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reviewer anlamı
1) eleştirmen
2) eleştirici

"reviewer" için örnek kullanımlar

One reviewer reported that they found it "manageable" to hold in one hand.
Bir gözden bunların bir elinde tutmak için "yönetilebilir" bulduğunu bildirdi.
Kaynak: idesigntimes.com
Halim joined the thisisxbox.com team as a news writer and reviewer Dec 2012.
Halim Aralık 2012 bir haber yazar ve eleştirmen olarak thisisxbox.com takım katıldı.
Kaynak: thisisxbox.com
The best person to bring on a restaurant review is a fellow restaurant reviewer.
Bir restoran yoruma getirmek için en iyi kişi bir arkadaşı restoran eleştirmenliği yapmaktadır.
Kaynak: adn.com
A bought review is the system where the creator (usually a company) of a new product pays a reviewer to review his new product.
Kaynak: Review
However, US government guidelines governing peer review for federal regulatory agencies require that reviewer's identity be disclosed
Kaynak: Peer review
fr 820.30 21CFR820.30 section (e), it is stated that an independent reviewer is required for any design review. An independent reviewer is
Kaynak: Independent reviewer
"Confessions of a Book Reviewer" is a narrative essay published in 1946 by the English author George Orwell . of a book reviewer and
Kaynak: Confessions of a Book Reviewer
review of Enchanted Arms and among other findings concluded that the reviewer had barely played three hours of the game's fifty before
Kaynak: Video game journalism
Harriet Klausner (born c.1952 is a reviewer of books and newspaper columnist She was the 1 ranked reviewer on Amazon.com until October 24
Kaynak: Harriet Klausner
Alan Sepinwall is an American television reviewer and writer. He spent 14 years as a columnist with The Star-Ledger in Newark until
Kaynak: Alan Sepinwall

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