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saddle ne demek?

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"saddle" için örnek kullanımlar

KATELYN Mallyon is making every post a winner in her return to the saddle.
Katelyn Mallyon her yazı eyer döndükten bir kazanan yapıyor.
Kaynak: heraldsun.com.au
Carberry was fortunate to be in the saddle and fortunate to have the mount.
Carberry montaj için eyer olmak şanslı ve şanslıydı.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Some, such as Rebecca Smith, who makes stylish leather saddle bags a
Böyle şık deri çantaları bir yapar Rebecca Smith gibi bazıları,
Kaynak: blogs.vancouversun.com
He remade the metal frame of the riding saddle into a bronc style.
O basili tarzı haline sürme eyer metal çerçeve remade.
Kaynak: postbulletin.com
The saddle is a supportive structure for a rider or other load, fastened to an animal's back by a girth . the equestrian saddle designed for
Kaynak: Saddle
Western saddles are used for western riding and are the saddle s used on working horse s on cattle ranch es throughout the United States
Kaynak: Western saddle
A bicycle saddle, often called a seat is one of three contact points on an upright bicycle , the others being the pedals and the
Kaynak: Bicycle saddle
Saddle: The saddle of a guitar refers to the part of the bridge that physically supports the strings. It may be one piece (typically on
Kaynak: Guitar
In mathematics , a saddle point is a point in the domain of a function that is a stationary point but not a local extremum .
Kaynak: Saddle point
A saddle surface is a smooth surface containing one or more saddle point s. shape of historical-- horse saddle s, which curve both up and down.
Kaynak: Saddle surface
is the generic name for the Japanese saddle . The word "kura" is most commonly associated with the saddle used by the samurai class of
Kaynak: Kura (saddle)
In a saddle joint (sellar joint, articulation by reciprocal reception) the opposing surfaces are reciprocally concave-convex.
Kaynak: Saddle joint
A motorcycle saddle is a term for a motorcycle seat in some parts of the world. It is a seat for carrying a rider and, possibly, a
Kaynak: Motorcycle saddle
A chain attached to the shafts may be passed over the saddle to carry their weight Reins are of rope or leather, depending on region of
Kaynak: Horse harness
peaks It may also be called a notch, a gap or a saddle, although the last-named usually has a wider meaning and may contain a mountain pass .
Kaynak: Col
A saddle is a seat attached to an animal or machine, or various items resembling them or their profiles, including: saddle. As a seat
Kaynak: Saddle (disambiguation)
Col : A small pass or "saddle" between two peaks. Excellent for navigation as when standing on one it's always down in two, opposite,
Kaynak: Glossary of climbing terms
A bicycle seat, unlike a bicycle saddle , is designed to support the rider's buttocks and back, usually in a semi-reclined position. Arthur
Kaynak: Bicycle seat

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