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sash ne demek?

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sash anlamı
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"sash" için örnek kullanımlar

"You were a man of the people, and you liked to wear a sash," he crooned.
"Sen insanların bir adam vardı, ve bir kanat giymek sevdim," diye mırıldandı.
Kaynak: straight.com
She received a sash and crown and is making special appearances statewide.
O kanat ve taç aldı ve ülke çapında özel maçta yapıyor.
Kaynak: lcsun-news.com
The Galaxy sash has the potential to be that design for LA.
Galaxy kanat LA için bu tasarım olma potansiyeline sahiptir.
Kaynak: lagconfidential.com
Handing over my sash this April will be so bittersweet.
Benim kanat teslim bu Nisan yüzden bittersweet olacak.
Kaynak: connectionnewspapers.com
A sash is a large and usually colorful ribbon or band of material worn around the body, draping from left shoulder to right hip (or right
Kaynak: Sash
A sash window or hung sash window is made of one or more movable panels or "sashes" that form a frame to hold panes of glass, which are
Kaynak: Sash window
A presidential sash is a cloth sash worn by president s of many nations in the world. Such sashes are worn by presidents in Africa, Asia
Kaynak: Presidential sash
The ceinture fléchée (from French, English : L'Assomption sash or "arrow sash") is a type of colorful sash , a traditional piece of French-
Kaynak: Ceinture fléchée
The priestly sash or girdle (Hebrew avnet אַבְנֵט) was part of the ritual garments worn by the Jewish and priests of ancient Israel
Kaynak: Priestly sash
The fascia is a sash worn by cleric s and seminarian s with the cassock in the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican
Kaynak: Fascia (vestment)
is a sash for traditional Japanese dress, keikogi worn for Japanese martial arts , and part of kimono outfits . The obi for men's kimono is
Kaynak: Obi (sash)
Pas kontuszowy ("kontusz sash") was a cloth sash used for compassing a kontusz (a robe-like garment). It was one of the most
Kaynak: Pas kontuszowy

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