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separation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

separation anlamı
1) ayırma
2) ayrılık
3) ayrılma
4) ayrışma
5) bölünme
6) boşluk
7) ayrı olma
8) aralık
9) müstakil olma

"separation" için örnek kullanımlar

Their separation will vary noticeably from places a thousand miles apart.
Onların ayrılık bir bin mil ayrı yerlerden belirgin farklılık gösterecektir.
Kaynak: wickedlocal.com
A source tells People magazine the couple has called off their separation.
Bir kaynak çiftin ayrılması iptal etti People dergisinin söyler.
Kaynak: mstarz.com
One can only hope he hasn't lost his ability to create separation.
Bir tek o ayrılık yaratmak için yeteneğini kaybetmiş değil umut olabilir.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Nor, she says, is there any mention of reasons for the separation.
Ayrıca, diyor, ayrılma nedenleri herhangi bir söz yoktur.
Kaynak: edmontonjournal.com
The separation of church and state is the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state . concept of
Kaynak: Separation of church and state
Legal separation (sometimes "judicial separation", "separate maintenance", "divorce a mensa et thoro", or "divorce from bed-and-board") is
Kaynak: Legal separation
In chemistry and chemical engineering , a separation process, or simply a separation, is any mass transfer process that converts a
Kaynak: Separation process
The separation of powers, often imprecisely used interchangeably with the trias politica principle is a model for the governance of a
Kaynak: Separation of powers
"Separation of church and state" (sometimes "wall of separation between church and state") is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others
Kaynak: Separation of church and state in the United States
Racial segregation is separation of humans into racial group s in daily life. It may apply to activities such as eating in a restaurant,
Kaynak: Racial segregation
Isotope separation is the process of concentrating specific isotope s of a chemical element by removing other isotopes, for example
Kaynak: Isotope separation
χρῶμα chroma "color" and γράφειν graphein "to write") is the collective term for a set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures .
Kaynak: Chromatography
process of isotope separation . Natural uranium is 99.284% sup 238/sup U isotope , with 235 U only constituting about 0.711% of its weight.
Kaynak: Enriched uranium
In computer science , separation of concerns (SoC) is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections, such
Kaynak: Separation of concerns
A separated shoulder (also known as acromioclavicular separation, AC joint separation, AC separation), is a common injury to the
Kaynak: Separated shoulder
In air traffic control , separation is the name for the concept of keeping an aircraft outside a minimum distance from another aircraft to
Kaynak: Separation (air traffic control)
parties, particularly when collaborative coaches are involved, and the possibility of going back to court post-separation or divorce is minimised.
Kaynak: Divorce
Separatism is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger
Kaynak: Separatism
For postage stamp s, separation is the means by which individual stamps are made easily detachable from each other. Methods of separation include:
Kaynak: Postage stamp separation
Cree separation: The Canadian Crown and Aboriginal peoples. There was a feeling amongst the Cree of Northern Quebec, that should the province
Kaynak: Quebec sovereignty movement
The separation axioms are denoted with the letter "T" after the German Trennungsaxiom, which means "separation axiom." with the separation
Kaynak: Separation axiom
See also : Grade separation Category:Level crossing accidents Whistle post Lists of rail accidents : List of train accidents by death toll
Kaynak: Level crossing

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