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separatist ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

separatist anlamı
1) ayrılıkçı
2) ayrılık yanlısı
3) hizipçi
4) kiliseden ayrılma taraftarı

"separatist" için örnek kullanımlar

However, all separatist attempts meet brutal reprisals, in 'democratic Kenya'.
Ancak, tüm ayrılıkçı girişimleri 'demokratik Kenya' da, acımasız misilleme buluşuyor.
Kaynak: counterpunch.org
The province is gripped by a separatist insurgency and record levels of sectarian violence.
Il mezhepsel şiddet bir ayrılıkçı isyanın ve rekor seviyelere tarafından tutulmaktadır.
Kaynak: au.news.yahoo.com
Then there's Balochistan's separatist insurgency.
Sonra Belucistan'ın ayrılıkçı isyanın var.
Kaynak: blogs.tribune.com.pk
YOU are a separatist and a bigot and a racist without a sense of humor and I despise people like you.
SİZE bir mizah duygusu olmadan bölücü ve yobaz ve ırkçı ve senin gibi insanların hor.
Kaynak: blogs.villagevoice.com
While it often refers to full political secession separatist groups may seek nothing more than greater autonomy Some groups refer to
Kaynak: Separatism
List of active separatist movements in Africa List of active separatist movements in Asia List of active separatist movements in Europe
Kaynak: Lists of active separatist movements
White separatism is a separatist political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for white people .
Kaynak: White separatism
In practice, "separatist" and "sovereigntist" are terms used to describe individuals wanting the province of Quebec to separate from Canada
Kaynak: Quebec sovereignty movement
The Catalan independence or separatist. (Independentisme català; indəpəndənˈtizmə kətəˈɫa | ec, independenˈtizme kataˈla | wc movement is a
Kaynak: Catalan independence
In 1959, young nationalists (abertzale ak) founded the separatist group ETA , which soon adopted a Marxist revolutionary policy in the
Kaynak: Basque nationalism
There are various separatist movements of Pakistan. Several parties based on ethnic lines exist though only two, the Jeay Sindh Qaumi
Kaynak: Separatist movements of Pakistan
See also : Lists of active separatist movements Nationalism Politics of Canada Politics of Quebec Quebec federalist ideology Quebec
Kaynak: Quebec nationalism
In 1980, a separatist movement emerged in western Canada that attracted thousands of people to rallies and resulted in the election of a
Kaynak: Alberta separatism
In the 1977 election, TULF became the first Tamil Nationalist party to run on a separatist platform. It gained a majority of the votes in
Kaynak: Sri Lankan Tamil nationalism

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