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sequestrate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sequestrate anlamı
1) el koymak
2) yedi emine vermek
3) haczetmek
4) kamulaştırmak

"sequestrate" için örnek kullanımlar

The adjective "sequestrate" is sometimes used as a general term to mean "either secotioid or gasteroid". Examples : File:Brockhaus and Efron
Kaynak: Secotioid
Rossbeevera is a genus of sequestrate (truffle -like) fungi in the family Boletaceae . It was first published in 2012 under the
Kaynak: Rossbeevera
Cortinarius argyrionus is a species of sequestrate (truffle -like) fungus in the family Cortinariaceae . Described as a new species in
Kaynak: Cortinarius argyrionus
Lepiota viridigleba is a species of sequestrate fungus in the family Agaricaceae . It was first described as new to science by
Kaynak: Lepiota viridigleba
Heliogaster is a sequestrate genus of fungi in the Boletaceae family. This is a monotypic genus, containing the single species
Kaynak: Heliogaster
The genus is monotypic , containing the single wood-decaying sequestrate species Guyanagaster necrorhiza. The species, found in the
Kaynak: Guyanagaster
The genus is monotypic , containing the single sequestrate species Mackintoshia persica, found in Zimbabwe. References: refs. External links
Kaynak: Mackintoshia
contained at least 49 species distributed among 4 genera , but in 2012, 5 genera producing the sequestrate and hypogeous ascoma were added.
Kaynak: Morchellaceae
and both of them produce sequestrate ascoma , globose to ellipsoidal ascus (inamyloid and eight-spored), and dark olive-colored to
Kaynak: Leucangium

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