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sharpshooter ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sharpshooter anlamı
keskin nişancı

"sharpshooter" için örnek kullanımlar

The Lakers fouled Korver anew, and this time the sharpshooter made both.
Lakers yeniden Korver faul ve bu sefer keskin nişancı ikisini de yaptım.
Kaynak: gmanetwork.com
Hawks' sharpshooter Kyle Korver then sealed the win from the foul line.
Hawks 'keskin nişancı Kyle Korver ardından faul çizgisinden kazanmak imzaladı.
Kaynak: foxnews.com
Jonathan Gilling is the team's top sharpshooter with 70 makes from beyond the arc.
Jonathan Gilling ark ötesinden 70 markalarla birlikte takımın en keskin nişancısı olduğunu.
Kaynak: newsobserver.com
Petron foiled the return of sharpshooter Jeff Chan to deal ROS its third loss in eight games.
Petron ROS sekiz maçta üçüncü kaybı uğraşmak keskin nişancı Jeff Chan dönüşü engellendi.
Kaynak: sports.inquirer.net
A marksman is a person who is skilled in precision, or a sharpshooter shooting using projectile weapons, such as with a rifle but most
Kaynak: Marksman
A police sharpshooter is part of a police operation and usually takes part in relatively short missions. Police forces typically deploy
Kaynak: Sniper
The name sharpshooter is used to refer to any of various genera and species of large leafhopper s in the tribe Proconiini of the family
Kaynak: Sharpshooter (insect)
The Texas sharpshooter fallacy is an informal fallacy in which pieces of information that have no relationship to one another are called
Kaynak: Texas sharpshooter fallacy
The glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis, formerly known as H. coagulata) is a large leafhopper insect from the family
Kaynak: Glassy-winged sharpshooter
Whitworth Sharpshooters were the Confederates ' answer to the Union sharpshooter regiments and used the English Whitworth rifle These
Kaynak: Whitworth Sharpshooters

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