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significant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

significant anlamı
1) önemli
2) anlamlı
3) kayda değer
4) manâlı

"significant" için örnek kullanımlar

The top three bouts of UFC 158 are all significant welterweight fights.
UFC 158 en iyi üç nöbetleri tüm önemli ağır siklet savaşır.
Kaynak: latimes.com
The album is a significant one to him for other, more professional reasons too.
Albüm çok başka, daha profesyonel nedenlerle kendisine önemli bir tanesidir.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
He has been slowed by elbow inflammation, but an MRI showed nothing significant.
O dirsek inflamasyon ile yavaşladı ama bir MRI şey anlamlı gösterilmiştir.
Kaynak: lohud.com
So significant progress is clearly being made under the guidance of coach Sean Foley.
Yani önemli ilerleme açıkça koçu Sean Foley gözetiminde yapılıyor.
Kaynak: scotsman.com
Significant figures or significant digits, the precision of a numerical value. Statistical significance , the extent to which a result is
Kaynak: Significance
The significant figures (also known as significant digits in American English , and often shortened to sig figs or sig digs) of a number are
Kaynak: Significant figures
When used in statistics, the word significant does not mean important or meaningful, as it does in everyday speech; with sufficient data,
Kaynak: Statistical significance
Fujita rated tornadoes from 1916–1992 date April 2012 and Tom Grazulis of The Tornado Project retroactively rated all known significant
Kaynak: Fujita scale
In computing , the least significant bit (lsb) is the bit position in a binary integer giving the units value, that is, determining
Kaynak: Least significant bit
In computing , the most significant bit (msb or MSB, also called the high-order bit) is the bit position in a binary number having the
Kaynak: Most significant bit
An Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) (often lowercased where used without abbreviation, as "evolutionarily significant unit") is a
Kaynak: Evolutionarily Significant Unit
In physical oceanography , the significant wave height (SWH or H s) is defined traditionally as the mean wave height (trough to crest ) of
Kaynak: Significant wave height
A significant weather advisory (alternately known as a "significant weather alert", the terminology varies depending on the local National
Kaynak: Significant weather advisory
In sociology , a significant symbol is a gesture (usually a vocal gesture) that calls out in the individual making the gesture the same
Kaynak: Significant symbols
The following is a list of historically significant college football games. Games included on this list are single college football games
Kaynak: List of historically significant college football games
Historically significant lunar eclipses are eclipses of the Moon that are mentioned in historical accounts in connection with a
Kaynak: Historically significant lunar eclipses

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