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slavery ne demek?

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"slavery" için örnek kullanımlar

Set in the 1930s, the film deals with issues of slavery in tea plantations.
1930'larda geçen film çay tarlaları kölelik sorunları ile ilgilenir.
Kaynak: thehindu.com
Imagine if Lincoln hadn't been able to bribe opposition Democrats to end slavery?
Lincoln köleliği sona erdirmek için muhalefetteki Demokratlar rüşvet mümkün olmasaydı düşünün?
Kaynak: sanjoseinside.com
Slavery and systematic oppression are a part of all our history.
Kölelik ve sistematik baskının tüm tarihin bir parçasıdır.
Kaynak: papermag.com
Would you also have argued that there was no legal or technical way to end slavery?
Ayrıca köleliğin sona erdirmek için hiçbir yasal ya da teknik bir yolu olduğunu iddia etmişlerdir misiniz?
Kaynak: boulderweekly.com
Abolitionism, used as a single word, was a movement to end slavery , whether formal or informal. The term has become adopted by those
Kaynak: Abolitionism
The history of slavery covers slave systems in historical perspective in which one human being is legally the property of another, can be
Kaynak: History of slavery
Slavery in Africa has existed throughout the continent for many centuries, and continues in the current day . servitude and slavery were
Kaynak: Slavery in Africa
On May 31, 2007, the Governor of Alabama , Bob Riley , signed a resolution expressing "profound regret" for Alabama's role in slavery and
Kaynak: Atlantic slave trade
Christian views on slavery are varied both regionally and historically. In the early years of Christianity , slavery was a normal feature
Kaynak: Christian views on slavery
Islamic views on slavery first developed out of the slavery practices of pre-Islamic Arabia. Image:Bilal. jpg | Bilal ibn Ribah (pictured,
Kaynak: Islamic views on slavery
Slavery in the ancient world, specifically, in Mediterranean cultures, comprised a mixture of debt-slavery , slavery as a punishment for
Kaynak: Slavery in antiquity
Abolition of slavery occurred as abolition in specific countries, abolition of the trade in slaves and abolition throughout empires.
Kaynak: Abolition of slavery timeline
Indian slavery may refer to: Slavery in India Slavery among the indigenous peoples of the Americas Slavery among Native Americans in the
Kaynak: Indian slavery
Slavery was an important part of Ottoman society until the Ottoman Empire ended slavery of Caucasians (including Georgians, Armenians,
Kaynak: Slavery in the Ottoman Empire
Slavery in the British Isles dated from before Roman occupation. Chattel slavery virtually disappeared after the Norman Conquest.
Kaynak: Slavery in the British Isles

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