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sleeper ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sleeper anlamı
1) travers
2) uykucu
3) yataklı vagon
4) uyuyan kimse
5) pijama
6) uyku tulumu
7) çıkış yapan film
8) sürümsüz mal
9) beklenmedik bir çıkış yapan kimse

"sleeper" için örnek kullanımlar

There Syracuse appeared to put Georgetown in a sleeper hold and could've
Syracuse Orada uyuyan tutun Georgetown koymak göründü ve ölebilirdi
Kaynak: nj.com
Just because these sleeper agents sleep around doesn't make it cheating.
Sadece bu uyuyan ajanlar çevresindeki uyku çünkü hile yapmaz.
Kaynak: buddytv.com
One more name for the sleeper file: Domonic Brown, Yahoo! ADP 242.
Uyuyan dosya için bir isim daha: Domonic Kahverengi, Yahoo! ADP 242.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
He went for the side slam, but Ziggler rolled through and hooked on the sleeper.
O yan slam için gitti, ama Ziggler aracılığıyla devirdi ve uyuyan bağımlısı.
Kaynak: prowrestling.net
A sleeper is a person who is sleep ing. It may also refer to: Entertainment : Sleeper hit , a work that obtains unexpected recognition or
Kaynak: Sleeper
The sleeping car or sleeper (often fr | wagon-lits) is a railway/railroad passenger car that can accommodate all its passengers in beds of
Kaynak: Sleeping car
A railroad tie/railway tie/crosstie (North America), or railway sleeper (Europe & Australia) is a rectangular support for the rails in
Kaynak: Railroad tie
A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but rather to act as a
Kaynak: Sleeper agent
A sleeper hit is a term used in the entertainment industry for a film that plays successfully for a long period and becomes a big success
Kaynak: Sleeper hit
A sleeper (US English ) or Q-car (British English ) is a car that has high performance and an unassuming exterior Sleeper cars are termed
Kaynak: Sleeper (car)
Sleeper suplex: The attacker places the opponent in a sleeper hold and then hooks one of the opponents arms with his free arm.
Kaynak: Suplex
A sleeper ship is a hypothetical type of manned spaceship in which most or all of the crew spends the journey in some form of hibernation
Kaynak: Sleeper ship

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