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sleeping ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sleeping anlamı
1) uyku
2) uyuyan
3) uyumaya yarayan
4) uyutan
1) uyuma

"sleeping" için örnek kullanımlar

So how many bad dreams stalked the sleeping hours of Ireland this week?
Peki kaç kötü rüyalar bu hafta İrlanda uyku saatleri saplı?
Kaynak: independent.ie
"I'm hoping it might be sleeping funny or something," Flowers said.
"Ben komik falan uyku olabilir umut ediyorum," Çiçekler dedi.
Kaynak: chicago.whitesox.mlb.com
But back at the house, Juliette has spent the night sleeping against the front door.
Ama geri evinde, Juliette ön kapı karşı gece uyku geçirdi.
Kaynak: threeifbyspace.net
hypometabolism seen in hibernation, and must return from hypothermia to euthermia in order to sleep, making sleeping "energetically expensive
Kaynak: Sleep
The sleeping car or sleeper (often fr | wagon-lits) is a railway/railroad passenger car that can accommodate all its passengers in beds of
Kaynak: Sleeping car
pattern, a physician may instead recommend alternative sleeping patterns, sleep hygiene , and exercise, before prescribing medication for sleep.
Kaynak: Hypnotic
When a person suffers from difficulty in sleeping with no obvious cause, it is referred to as insomnia In addition, sleep disorders may
Kaynak: Sleep disorder
A king in the mountain, king under the mountain or sleeping hero is a prominent motif in folklore and mythology that is found in many
Kaynak: King in the mountain
Sleeping while on duty or "sleeping on the job" refers to falling asleep while on the time clock or equivalent, or else while responsible
Kaynak: Sleeping while on duty
It may often refer to sleeping in the open with a bivouac sack , but it may also refer to a shelter constructed of natural materials like
Kaynak: Bivouac shelter
such as robes, intended to be worn primarily for sleeping or activities related to sleeping, except: (1) diapers and underwear; (2) infant
Kaynak: Nightwear
A sleeping computer is a case of a device consuming standby power , covered by regulations in many countries limiting such power under the
Kaynak: Hibernation (computing)
While the yo-yo is in the "sleeping" state at the end of the string, the yo-yoer can then execute other tricks like "around the world" or
Kaynak: Sleeper (yo-yo trick)
"The Sleeping Beauty (La Belle au bois dormant, "The Beauty sleeping in the wood") by Charles Perrault or "Little Briar Rose
Kaynak: Sleeping Beauty
A sleeping bag is a protective "bag" for a person to sleep in, essentially a blanket that can be closed with a zipper or similar means,
Kaynak: Sleeping bag

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