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smug ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

smug anlamı
1) kendini beğenmiş
2) şık
3) temiz giyimli
4) kendisiyle gurur duyan

"smug" için örnek kullanımlar

Burt Wonderstone is a tanned, smug, arrogant sort with an officious manner.
Burt Wonderstone bir işgüzar bir şekilde bir tabaklanmış, kendini beğenmiş, kibirli tür.
Kaynak: twitchfilm.com
Smug about his escape from dweebdom, Burt's grown up to be a narcissistic jerk.
Dweebdom kaçışı hakkında Smug, Burt narsist bir pislik olmak için büyüdü.
Kaynak: scarsdale10583.com
The England batsmen filled their boots, but they should not be too smug about it.
İngiltere batsmen onların botları dolu, ama onlar bu konuda çok beğenmiş olmamalı.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Only Shatner's smug, gruff humor could complement MacFarlane's opening monologue.
Sadece Shatner en kendini beğenmiş, sert mizah MacFarlane açılış monolog tamamlayıcı olabilir.
Kaynak: news.moviefone.com
South Park , The town of South park is beset by smug, in the episode Smug Alert! , a satirical reference to both smog and celebrities who
Kaynak: Smog
A holier-than-thou attitude is a feeling of smug moral superiority. Holier-than-thou may also refer to: Holier Than Thou , a science
Kaynak: Holier-than-thou (disambiguation)
for snatching the higher test grade, the smug smirk on his face growing brighter and brighter as he confirmed the inferiority of his peers."
Kaynak: Setting tone
Colchester , Essex ) is an English actor , singer and television presenter , well known for his West End theatre starring roles and smug persona.
Kaynak: Darren Day
is a feeling or display of (usually smug) moral superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of
Kaynak: Self-righteousness
Johnson appeared as smug business tycoon Henry van Statten in "Dalek ", an episode of the 2005 revival of Doctor Who . Other TV guest
Kaynak: Corey Johnson

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